a king of Thrace, who arrived in the tenth year of the Trojan War to aid Troy. Odysseus and Diomedes stole his horses because an oracle had said that if these horses drank from the River Xanthus, Troy would not fall
rhesus in American English
a brownish-yellow macaque (Macaca mulatta) of India, often kept in zoos and used extensively in biological and medical research
: in full rhesus monkey
Word origin
ModL, arbitrary use of L Rhesus (Gr Rhēsos), proper name
Examples of 'Rhesus' in a sentence
The study showed a high incidence of birth defects in rhesus monkeys that had been given the drug during pregnancy," he answered quietly.
Phillip Margolin THE ASSOCIATE (2001)
All related terms of 'Rhesus'
rhesus baby
a baby that has haemolytic disease at birth as its red blood cells (which are Rh positive ) have been attacked in the womb by antibodies from its Rh negative mother
rhesus factor
The rhesus factor is something that is in the blood of most people. If someone's blood contains this factor, they are rhesus positive . If it does not, they are rhesus negative .
rhesus monkey
a macaque monkey , Macaca mulatta , of S Asia: used extensively in medical research
rhesus negative
relating to blood not containing Rhesus antigen D
rhesus positive
relating to blood containing Rhesus antigen D
Rh factor
The Rh factor is the same as the → rhesus factor .