the total or partial obscuring of reflected light from a celestial body as a result of its passage through the shadow of another. A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes through the shadow of the earth
See also solar eclipse, total eclipse, partial eclipse, annular eclipse, Compare occultation
the period of time during which such a phenomenon occurs
any dimming or obstruction of light
a loss of importance, power, fame, etc, esp through overshadowing by another
to cause an eclipse of
to cast a shadow upon; darken; obscure
to overshadow or surpass in importance, power, etc
Derived forms
eclipser (eˈclipser)
Word origin
C13: back formation from Old English eclypsis, from Latin eclīpsis, from Greek ekleipsis a forsaking, from ekleipein to abandon, from leipein to leave
lunar eclipse in American English
see eclipse (sense 1)
Examples of 'lunar eclipse' in a sentence
lunar eclipse
Around the time of the lunar eclipse you could win a wonderful prize.
The Sun (2008)
The lunar eclipse in the most sociable part of your chart repairs friendships.
The Sun (2014)
Also, the lunar eclipse brings money into your life in unexpected ways.
The Sun (2010)
The lunar eclipse will reveal what valuable talent you have inherited.
The Sun (2010)
A lunar eclipse spices up love in the spring.
The Sun (2012)
The lunar eclipse fuels brilliant ideas and gives you a talent for writing.
The Sun (2011)
The lunar eclipse makes you a good communicator - you can put across ideas well.
The Sun (2009)
The lunar eclipse sends a surge of energy into your work and wellbeing chart.
The Sun (2014)
The lunar eclipse gives your home life a stylish makeover.
The Sun (2010)
Ambitions are stirred up by the awesome lunar eclipse in your success sector.