In Chinese philosophy, yang is one of the two opposing principles whose interaction is believed to influence everything in the universe. Yang is positive, bright, and masculine while yin is negative, dark, and feminine.
...a perfect balance of yin and yang.
Moving from spring to winter, active yang is inevitably followed by dormant yin.
Yang in British English1
Yin and Yang
Yang in British English2
Chen Ning (ˈtʃɛn ˈnɪŋ). born 1922, US physicist, born in China: with Tsung-Dao Lee, he disproved the physical principle known as the conservation of parity and shared the Nobel prize for physics (1957)
yang in American English
(jɑŋ; jæŋ)
in Chinese philosophy, the active, positive, masculine force or principle in the universe, source of light and heat: it is always both contrasted with and complementary to the yin
Word origin
Mandarin yang, male, daylight, solar
Word lists with
All related terms of 'Yang'
of or designating a Neolithic culture of N China c5000–3000 b.c. , characterized by dwellings with sunken floors , domestication of the pig , and a fine handmade pottery painted mainly in geometric designs of spirals and circles
Yin and Yang
two complementary principles of Chinese philosophy : Yin is negative , dark, and feminine , Yang positive , bright, and masculine . Their interaction is thought to maintain the harmony of the universe and to influence everything within it
a former city in SE China, in SE Hubei at the confluence of the Han and Yangtze Rivers : one of the Han Cities; merged with Hankow and Wuchang in 1950 to form the conurbation of Wuhan
Poyang Lake
a lake in E China , in N Jiangxi province , connected by canal with the Yangtze River: the second largest lake in China. Area (at its greatest ): 2780 sq km (1073 sq miles)
a city in S China , capital of Guizhou province : reached by rail in 1959, with subsequent industrial growth . Pop: 2 467 000 (2005 est)