a high upward but not forward leap made by a horse with all four feet off the ground
2. dancing
a leap from bent knees
3. (intransitive)
to perform a capriole
Word origin
C16: from French, from Old Italian capriola, from capriolo roebuck, from Latin capreolus, caper goat
capriole in American English
a caper; leap
a type of competitive jump in which a trained horse leaps upward but not forward and kicks its hind legs so that they are nearly parallel to the ground
verb intransitiveWord forms: ˈcapriˌoled or ˈcapriˌoling
to make a capriole
Word origin
Fr < It capriola < capriolare, to leap like a goat < capriolo, roe deer < L capreolus, wild goat < caper (gen. capri), he-goat < IE *kapro- > ON hafr, OIr gabor