It has an unmanned turret, radar used in fighter jets and an armoured capsule for crew.
The Sun (2016)
This is already done when a free form amino acid capsule is taken.
Chaitow, Leon The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes (1988)
There is not enough air in the space capsule to keep the three astronauts alive.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
And taking it in a capsule form feels no worse than taking a paracetamol.
The Sun (2010)
It was first used on space capsules.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
How do you eat without filling the space capsule with blobs of salad dressing?
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Its nauseous taste is the main limitation to wider use and it is generally given in capsule form with other remedies.
Mills, Simon The Dictionary of Modern Herbalism (1985)
They recently designed a capsule collection for Topshop.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
Sceptics question whether the animal or space capsule got back - or whether it was a hoax.
The Sun (2013)
People who take fish oil capsules differ in so many ways from those who do not that it is impossible to correct completely for these differences.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
When an electric charge is applied, the pigments are either repelled from or pulled to the surface of the capsule to form virtual ink.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
It would be opened up from six inches to 28 inches to allow a metal capsule to be lowered and lift the men to the surface.
The Sun (2010)
And it told how to take Tamiflu in powder, not capsule form.
The Sun (2006)
He waved and got into the Tory bus, a giant blue space capsule visiting from another world.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
Food supplements can help you to lose weight Add omega-3 oils as a capsule or liquid to a smoothie or porridge.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Their situation reminds me of the early days of our Apollo space programs, when astronauts were blasted into the sky aboard small capsules.
Christianity Today (2000)
Word lists with
parts of an aircraft, parts of an aircraft
In other languages
British English: capsule /ˈkæpsjuːl/ NOUN
A capsule is a small container with powdered or liquid medicine inside, which you swallow whole.
American English: capsule
Arabic: كَبْسُولَة
Brazilian Portuguese: cápsula
Chinese: 胶囊
Croatian: kapsula
Czech: tobolka želatinový obal na léčiva
Danish: kapsel
Dutch: capsule
European Spanish: cápsula
Finnish: kapseli
French: capsule
German: Kapsel
Greek: κάψουλα
Italian: capsula
Japanese: カプセル
Korean: 캡슐
Norwegian: kapsel
Polish: kapsułka
European Portuguese: cápsula
Romanian: capsulă
Russian: капсула
Latin American Spanish: cápsula
Swedish: kapsel
Thai: ยาที่อยู่ในหลอดเล็กๆ
Turkish: kapsül
Ukrainian: капсула
Vietnamese: thuốc con nhộng
All related terms of 'capsule'
capsule range
a small range of clothes by a particular designer , intended to be representative of the full range
capsule shell
A capsule shell is an outer skin in which a medicinal substance is contained.
seed capsule
the part of a fruit enclosing the seeds ; pericarp
space capsule
a vehicle, sometimes carrying people or animals, designed to obtain scientific information from space, planets , etc, and be recovered on returning to earth
time capsule
a container holding articles , documents , etc, representative of the current age, buried in the earth or in the foundations of a new building for discovery in the future
cyanide capsule
a capsule containing cyanide , traditionally given to spies and others so that they can die by suicide to avoid capture
capsule wardrobe
a collection of clothes and accessories that includes only items considered essential
internal capsule
a broad band of white fibres near the thalamus in each cerebral hemisphere
hard gelatin capsule
A hard gelatin capsule is a type of capsule that is usually used to contain medicine in the form of dry powder or very small pellets .
soft gelatin capsule
A soft gelatin capsule is a type of capsule that is usually used to contain medicine in the form of liquid or powder , and which dissolves more quickly than a hard gelatin capsule.
Chinese translation of 'capsule'
[of medicine]胶(膠)囊 (jiāonáng)
(= spacecraft) 太空舱(艙) (tàikōngcāng)
1 (noun)
a soluble gelatine case containing a dose of medicine
You can also take red ginseng in convenient capsule form.
a sleeping pill
It's not a good idea to take sleeping tablets regularly.
throat lozenges
troche (medicine)
2 (noun)
a plant's seed case that opens when ripe
Each flower is globular, with an egg-shaped capsule.
Remove the peas from their pods.
Vanilla is the seed case of a South American orchid.
They cracked the nuts and removed their shells.
plastic storage vessels
It grows on a nerve sheath within the spinal column.
a receptacle for water
seed case
pericarp (botany)
Additional synonyms
in the sense of case
a protective outer covering
Vanilla is the seed case of a South American orchid.
in the sense of lozenge
a medicated tablet held in the mouth until it has dissolved