a Greek island in the SE Aegean Sea, about 16 km (10 miles) off the Turkish coast: the largest of the Dodecanese and the most easterly island in the Aegean. Capital: Rhodes. Pop (municipality): 55 086 (2001). Area: 1400 sq km (540 sq miles)
a port on this island, in the NE: founded in 408 bc; of great commercial and political importance in the 3rd century bc; suffered several earthquakes, notably in 225, when the Colossus was destroyed. Pop: 41 000 (latest est)
Ancient Greek name: Rhodos Modern Greek name: Ródhos
Rhodes in British English2
Cecil John. 1853–1902, British colonial financier and statesman in South Africa. He made a fortune in diamond and gold mining and, as prime minister of the Cape Colony (1890–96), he helped to extend British territory. He established the annual Rhodes scholarships to Oxford
Rhodes scholarship
Rhodes in American English1
Cecil John1853-1902; Brit. financier & colonial administrator in South Africa
Rhodes in American English2
largest island of the Dodecanese, in the Aegean: 545 sq mi (1,412 sq km)