the spore-producing body of some rust fungi in which the teliospores are formed
Derived forms
telial (ˈtelial)
Word origin
C20: New Latin, from Greek teleion, from teleios complete, from telos end
Examples of 'telia' in a sentence
At fifteen days later, leaflets were observed for the presence of telia and teliopores.
Patrícia Ferreira Cunha Sousa, Eduardo Alves, Hilário Antônio de Castro 2006, 'Influência da temperatura no desenvolvimento de teliósporosde Phakopsora pachyrhiziem folíolos de soja Effect of temperature on teliospores development of Phakopsorapachyrhizi in soybean leaflets', Summa Phytopathologica Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (