Word forms: plural carburettorsregional note: in AM, use carburetor
countable noun
A carburettor is the part of an engine, usually in a car, in which air and petrol are mixed together to form a vapour which can be burned.
carburettor in British English
or carburetter (ˌkɑːbjʊˈrɛtə, ˈkɑːbjʊˌrɛtə, -bə-) or US carburetor (ˈkɑːbjʊˌreɪtə, -bə-)
a device used in petrol engines for atomizing the petrol, controlling its mixture with air, and regulating the intake of the air-petrol mixture into the engine
Informal term: carb. Compare fuel injection
Examples of 'carburettor' in a sentence
`Will one of you hold the torch while I have to look at the carburettor ?
Secombe, Fred GOODBYE CURATE (2002)
A fat guy was doing something fiddly with the valves and jets of a carburettor.
Robert Wilson BLOOD IS DIRT (2002)
In other languages
British English: carburettor /ˌkɑːbjʊˈrɛtə; ˈkɑːbjʊˌrɛtə; -bə-/ NOUN
A carburettor is the part of an engine, usually in a car, in which air and petrol are mixed together to form a vapour which can be burned.