the derived SI unit of illumination equal to a luminous flux of 1 lumen per square metre. 1 lux is equivalent to 0.0929 foot-candle
Symbol: lx
Word origin
C19: from Latin: light
lux in British English2
New Zealand informal
to clean with a vacuum cleaner
Word origin
C20: from Electrolux, a vacuum-cleaner manufacturer
Lux. in British English
abbreviation for
Luxembourg in British English
(ˈlʌksəmˌbɜːɡ, French lyksɑ̃bur)
a grand duchy in W Europe: it formed the Benelux customs union with Belgium and the Netherlands in 1948 and was a founder member of the Common Market, now the European Union. Official languages: French, German, and Luxemburgish. Religion: Roman Catholic majority. Currency: euro. Capital: Luxembourg. Pop: 583 455 (2017 est). Area: 2586 sq km (999 sq miles)
the capital of Luxembourg, on the Alzette River: an industrial centre. Pop: 76 000 (2005 est)
a province in SE Belgium, in the Ardennes. Capital: Arlon. Pop: 254 120 (2004 est). Area: 4416 sq km (1705 sq miles)
Lux in American English
lux in American English
nounWord forms: plurallux or ˈluxes
a basic unit of illumination in the SI and MKS systems, equal to one lumen per square meter (0.0929 foot-candles or one candela per square meter)