the process of preparing the fibres of cotton, wool, etc, for spinning
All related terms of 'carding'
A card is a piece of stiff paper or thin cardboard on which something is written or printed.
red card
In football or rugby , if a player is shown the red card , the referee holds up a red card to indicate that the player must leave the pitch for breaking the rules .
card index
A card index is a number of cards with information written on them which are arranged in a particular order, usually alphabetical , so that you can find the information you want easily .
to play a misleading card , esp a high loser , in order to deceive an opponent
yellow card
In football or rugby , if a player is shown the yellow card , the referee holds up a yellow card to indicate that the player has broken the rules , and that if they do so again, they will be ordered to leave the pitch .
a machine, operated by a keyboard , for coding information by punching holes in cards or paper tape in specified patterns
key punch
a device having a keyboard that is operated manually to transfer data onto punched cards , paper tape , etc