the former short-form name (1993–2019) of North Macedonia, a country in SE Europe; it declared independence from Yugoslavia in 1991 and from 1993 to 2019 was known as the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, sometimes abbreviated to FYROM
Serbian name: Makedonija
an area of N Greece, comprising the regions of Macedonia Central, Macedonia West, and part of Macedonia East and Thrace
Modern Greek name: Makedhonia
a district of SW Bulgaria, now occupied by Blagoevgrad province. Area: 6465 sq km (2496 sq miles)
Macedonia in American English
(ˌmæsəˈdoʊniə; ˌmæsəˈdoʊnjə)
ancient kingdom in SE Europe: now a region divided among Greece, the country of Macedonia, & Bulgaria
country in the Balkan Peninsula: formerly (1946-91) a constituent republic of Yugoslavia: 9,928 sq mi (25,713 sq km); pop. 1,937,000; cap. Skopje