Methods of study involved a combination of microfossil and macrofossil analyses.
Markes E. Johnson, David H. Backus, Ana Luisa Carreño, Jorge Ledesma-Vázquez 2019, 'Rhyolite Domes and Subsequent Offlap of Pliocene Carbonates on Volcanic Islets atSan Basilio (Baja California Sur, Mexico)', Geosciences Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The combined macrofossil and the pollen results assists in the understanding of the differences between the local and regional flora.
Angelica Feurdean, Ole Bennike 2008, 'Plant macrofossils analysis from Steregoiu NW Romania: taphonomy, representation,and comparison with pollen analysis', Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai: Geologia Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Humification, pollen, plant macrofossil and charcoal analyses show distinct changes in species composition and indicate their potential causes.
J. McCarroll, F.M. Chambers, J.C. Webb, T. Thom 2016, 'Informing innovative peatland conservation in light of palaeoecological evidence forthe demise of Sphagnum imbricatum: the case of Oxenhope Moor, Yorkshire, UK', Mires and Peat Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Our palynological data differ considerably in composition and in the dominance-diversity profile from the macrofossil vegetation at this locality.
Cindy V. Looy, Robert A. Stevenson, Thomas B. Van Hoof, Luke Mander 2014, 'Evidence for coal forest refugia in the seasonally dry Pennsylvanian tropical lowlandsof the Illinois Basin, USA', PeerJ Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (