Whoever this woman was, she carried the seven bells of a necromancer!
The handles of bells, bells whose voices were stilled in the leather.
With his free hand, Sam desperately clawed at the necromancer's bandolier, trying to get one of the bells.
All related terms of 'bells'
A bell is a device that makes a ringing sound and is used to give a signal or to attract people's attention .
When a bell or a clock chimes , it makes ringing sounds.
Bow Bells
the bells of St Mary-le-Bow in Cheapside, London : it is said that a true Cockney is born within earshot of these bells
the bells
the ringing of bells , in a church or other public building , at midnight on December 31st, symbolizing the beginning of a new year
alarm bells
If you say that something sets alarm bells ringing , you mean that it makes people feel worried or concerned about something.
coral bells
a perennial , ornamental alumroot ( Heuchera sanguinea ) native to SW North America, with racemes of drooping pink or white flowers
a decorative arrangement of small discs of metal, shell, etc, hung near a window or door , that shake together with a tinkling sound in a draught
sleigh bells
a number of small, spherical bells fixed to the harness straps of an animal drawing a sleigh
tubular bells
an orchestral percussion instrument of 18 chromatically tuned metal tubes suspended vertically and struck near the top
Canterbury bells
a cultivated bellflower ( Campanula medium ) with white, pink , or blue cuplike flowers
cap and bells
the traditional garb of a court jester , including a cap with bells attached to it
bells and whistles
special features or other things which are not necessary parts of something, but which are added to make it more attractive or interesting
bells of Ireland
an annual garden plant, Moluccella laevis , whose flowers have a green cup-shaped calyx : family Lamiaceae ( labiates )
whistles and bells
See bells and whistles
A dumb-bell is a short bar with weights on either side which people use for physical exercise to strengthen their arm and shoulder muscles .
wind chimes
a decorative arrangement of small discs of metal, shell, etc, hung near a window or door , that shake together with a tinkling sound in a draught
death bell
a bell tolled to announce a death
death knell
something that heralds death or destruction
shark alarm
a bell sounded to warn swimmers of the presence of sharks
shark bell
a bell sounded to warn swimmers of the presence of sharks
Bell's palsy
a usually temporary paralysis of the muscles of the face , normally on one side
bicycle bell
a bell attached to a bicycle , used to warn others on the road
dinner bell
a bell which is rung to announce that dinner has been served
diving bell
A diving bell is a container shaped like a bell, in which people can breathe air while they work under water.
jingle bell
a sleigh bell
Lutine bell
a bell , taken from the ship Lutine, kept at Lloyd's in London and rung before important announcements , esp the loss of a vessel
passing bell
a bell rung to announce a death or a funeral
sacring bell
a small bell rung at the elevation of the Host and chalice during Mass
Sanctus bell
a bell rung as the opening words of the Sanctus are pronounced and also at other important points during Mass
silver bell
any of various deciduous trees of the styracaceous genus Halesia, esp H. carolina , of North America and China, having white bell-shaped flowers
sleigh bell
a tinkling bell attached to the harness of an animal pulling a sleigh
snowdrop tree
any of various deciduous trees of the styracaceous genus Halesia, esp H. carolina , of North America and China , having white bell-shaped flowers
Virginia cowslip
a perennial woodland plant ( Mertensia virginica ) of the borage family, native to E North America and having clusters of blue or purple , bell-shaped flowers
beat seven bells out of
to give a severe beating to
set alarm bells ringing
to cause people to begin to be aware of a problem in a situation
Canterbury bell
a campanulaceous biennial European plant, Campanula medium , widely cultivated for its blue, violet , or white flowers
division bell
a bell rung in a parliament to signal a division
to set alarm bells ringing
to make someone feel worried or concerned about something
a metal rod to which heavy discs are attached at each end for weightlifting exercises
the person in charge of and responsible for a vessel
In the army, navy, and some other armed forces, a captain is an officer of middle rank.
pull the other one (it's got bells on)
You can say to someone ' Pull the other one ' or ' Pull the other one, it's got bells on ' to tell them that you do not believe what they have told you and you think they must be joking .
pull the other one
said to mean that you do not believe something someone tells you