a former kingdom comprising most of modern Spain: originally part of León, it became an independent kingdom in the 10th century and united with Aragon (1469), the first step in the formation of the Spanish state
Castile in American English
region & former kingdom in N and central Spain: gained autonomy in 10th cent. & united with León, & later with Aragon (15th cent.), & became the nucleus of the Spanish monarchy: traditionally divided between Old Castile, to the north (now the region of Castilla-León, 36,350 sq mi or 94,147 sq km, pop. 2,546,000; cap. Burgos) and New Castile, to the south (now the region of Castilla-La Mancha, 30,589 sq mi or 79,225 sq km, pop. 1,658,000; cap. Toledo)
: Sp. name Castilla (kɑsˈtiljɑ)
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New Castile
a region and former province of central Spain . Chief town: Toledo
Old Castile
a region of N Spain , on the Bay of Biscay : formerly a province
Castile soap
a hard soap made from olive oil and sodium hydroxide
Blanche of Castile
?1188–1252, queen consort (1223–26) of Louis VIII of France, born in Spain. The mother of Louis IX, she acted as regent during his minority (1226–36) and his absence on a crusade (1248–52)
Eleanor of Castile
1246–90, Spanish wife of Edward I of England. Eleanor Crosses were erected at each place at which her body rested between Nottingham , where she died, and London, where she is buried