a state of the E central US: consists of a plain in the west, rising to the Appalachians and the Cumberland Plateau in the east. Capital: Nashville. Pop: 5 841 748 (2003 est). Area: 109 412 sq km (42 244 sq miles)
Abbreviation: Tenn. or (with zip code) TN
a river in the E central US, flowing southwest from E Tennessee into N Alabama, then west and north to the Ohio River at Paducah: the longest tributary of the Ohio; includes a series of dams and reservoirs under the Tennessee Valley Authority. Length: 1049 km (652 miles)
Tennessee in American English
state of the EC U.S.: admitted, 1796; 41,217 sq mi (106,752 sq km); pop. 5,689,000; cap. Nashville
abbrev. TN or Tenn
river flowing from NE Tenn. through N Ala. & W Tenn. into the Ohio River: 652 mi(1,049 km)