verbWord forms: dips, dipping or dipped1. to plunge or be plunged quickly or briefly into a liquid, esp to wet or coat
2. (intransitive) to undergo a slight decline, esp temporarily
sales dipped in November
3. (intransitive) to slope downwards
the land dips towards the river
4. (intransitive) to sink or appear to sink quickly
the sun dipped below the horizon
5. (transitive) to switch (car headlights) from the main to the lower beam
US and Canadian word: dim 6. (transitive)a. to immerse (poultry, sheep, etc) briefly in a liquid chemical to rid them of or prevent infestation by insects, etc
b. to immerse (grain, vegetables, or wood) in a preservative liquid
7. (transitive) to stain or dye by immersing in a liquid
8. (transitive) to baptize (someone) by immersion
9. (transitive) to plate or galvanize (a metal, etc) by immersion in an electrolyte or electrolytic cell
10. (transitive) to scoop up (a liquid or something from a liquid) in the hands or in a container
11. to lower or be lowered briefly
she dipped her knee in a curtsy
12. (transitive) to make (a candle) by plunging the wick into melted wax
13. (intransitive) to plunge a container, the hands, etc, into something, esp to obtain or retrieve an object
he dipped in his pocket for money
14. (intr; foll by in or into) to dabble (in); play (at)
she dipped into black magic
15. (intransitive) (of an aircraft) to drop suddenly and then regain height
16. (intransitive) (of a rock stratum or mineral vein) to slope downwards from the horizontal
17. (intransitive; often foll by for) (in children's games) to select a leader, etc by reciting any of various rhymes
18. (transitive) slang to pick (a person's) pocket
noun19. the act of dipping or state of being dipped
20. a brief swim in water
21. a. any liquid chemical preparation in which poultry, sheep, etc are dipped
b. any liquid preservative into which objects, esp of wood, are dipped
22. a preparation of dyeing agents into which fabric is immersed
23. a depression, esp in a landscape
24. something taken up by dipping
25. a container used for dipping; dipper
26. a momentary sinking down
27. the angle of slope of rock strata, fault planes, etc, from the horizontal plane
28. Also called: angle of dip, magnetic dip, inclination the angle between the direction of the earth's magnetic field and the plane of the horizon; the angle that a magnetic needle free to swing in a vertical plane makes with the horizontal
29. a creamy mixture into which pieces of food are dipped before being eaten
30. surveying the angular distance of the horizon below the plane of observation
31. a candle made by plunging a wick repeatedly into wax
32. a momentary loss of altitude when flying
33. (in gymnastics) a chinning exercise on the parallel bars
34. a slang word for pickpocket