very finely powdered rock, produced when rocks are ground together (as along the faces of a moving fault or during the motion of glaciers) and are thus chemically unweathered
Examples of 'rock flour' in a sentence
rock flour
The results show no significant interaction between the levels of phosphorus and rock-flour applied and the variables studied.
Fabiano Barbosa de Souza Prates, Camila dos Santos Gonçalves Lucas, Regynaldo ArrudaSampaio, Delacyr da Silva Brandão Júnior, Luiz Arnaldo Fernandes, Geraldo RibeiroZuba Junio 2012, 'Crescimento de mudas de pinhão-manso em resposta a adubação com superfosfato simplese pó-de-rocha Growth of jatropha seedlings in response to single superphosphate androck-flour fertilization', Revista Ciência Agronômica Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (