

单词 cheerio

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Examples of 'cheerio' in a sentence

Very carefully I checked my map to make sure I didn't go the wrong way again, then I said cheerio to Rob and set off.Alec dressed quickly, said cheerio, and walked into the kitchen with a shuffle that more or less hid the burnt side of his trainer.Then head off into the wild blue yonder: point the nose of the thing for the equator and cheerio !That's Italian for " cheerio " or "see ya," according to His Lordship who is busy these days with his dictionaries and phrase books.

In other languages

British English: cheerio! /ˈtʃɪərɪˈəʊ/ INTERJECTION
People sometimes say `Cheerio!' as a way of saying goodbye.
  • American English: bye!
  • Arabic: وَدَاعاً
  • Brazilian Portuguese: Até logo!
  • Chinese: 再见!
  • Croatian: živio!
  • Czech: ahoj! rozloučení
  • Danish: hej-hej
  • Dutch: dag!
  • European Spanish: ¡chao!
  • Finnish: hei!
  • French: ciao !
  • German: Mach’s gut!
  • Greek: εις υγείαν!
  • Italian: ciao!
  • Japanese: ではまた!
  • Korean: 안녕!
  • Norwegian: ha det!
  • Polish: cześć!
  • European Portuguese: Até logo!
  • Romanian: Salutare!
  • Russian: всего хорошего!
  • Latin American Spanish: ¡chao!
  • Swedish: hej då!
  • Thai: ลาก่อน
  • Turkish: sağlıcakla!
  • Ukrainian: бувай!
  • Vietnamese: chào tạm biệt!

Chinese translation of 'cheerio'


(tʃɪərɪˈəu) (Brit) (o.f.) (inf)


  1. 再见(見) (zàijiàn)




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