an island at the N end of New York Bay, between the Hudson, East, and Harlem Rivers: administratively (with adjacent islets) a borough of New York City; a major financial, commercial, and cultural centre. Pop: 1 537 195 (2000). Area: 47 sq km (22 sq miles)
a mixed drink consisting of four parts whisky, one part vermouth, and a dash of bitters
Manhattan in American English
(mænˈhætn, or, esp. for 1, 2 mən-)
1. Also called: Manhattan Island
an island in New York City surrounded by the Hudson, East, and Harlem rivers. 131⁄2 mi. (22 km) long; 21⁄2 mi. (4 km) greatest width; 221⁄4 sq. mi. (58 sq. km)
a borough of New York City approximately coextensive with Manhattan Island: chief business district of the city. 1,427,533
a city in NE Kansas, on the Kansas River. 32,644
4. (often lc)
a cocktail made of whiskey and sweet vermouth, usually with a dash of bitters and a maraschino cherry