Rock is the hard substance which the Earth is made of.
rock candy
a hard candy , typically a long brightly-coloured peppermint-flavoured stick , sold esp in holiday resorts
Eddystone Rocks
a dangerous group of rocks at the W end of the English Channel , southwest of Plymouth : lighthouse
on the rocks
If you have an alcoholic drink such as whisky on the rocks , you have it with ice cubes in it.
rock up
to arrive late or unannounced
acid rock
a type of rock music characterized by electronically amplified bizarre instrumental effects
art rock
a type of rock music, often with poetic lyrics , characterized by sophisticated harmonic , dynamic , and technical complexity based on forms derived from classical music and requiring performers of considerable training and skill
cap rock
a layer of rock that overlies a salt dome and consists of limestone , gypsum , etc
cock rock
an aggressive style of rock music performed by male bands
Dad rock
a type of classic rock music that tends to appeal to adults , often played by middle-aged musicians
glam rock
a style of rock music of the early 1970s, characterized by the glittery flamboyance and androgynous image of its performers
hard rock
a rhythmically simple and usually highly amplified style of rock and roll
jazz rock
a style of music that combines jazz and rock
moon rock
a rock from the surface of the moon
prog rock
a style of rock music originating in the 1970s and characterized by large-scale compositions, often on epic themes , in which musicians display instrumental virtuosity
punk rock
a fast abrasive style of rock music of the late 1970s, characterized by aggressive or offensive lyrics and performance
soft rock
a comparatively unaggressive , melodic style of rock-'n'- roll in which the arrangement and lyrics are emphasized more than the beat
wall rock
rock that is immediately adjacent to a mineral vein , fault , or igneous intrusion
rock climb
an instance of rock climbing or the route followed
get one's rocks off
to experience orgasm ; ejaculate
to be on the rocks
if something such as a marriage or a business is on the rocks, it is experiencing very severe difficulties and looks likely to end very soon
country rock
the rock surrounding a mineral vein or igneous intrusion
desert rock
a type of heavy-metal music that has strong country-rock and folk influences
hybrid rock
an igneous rock formed by molten magma incorporating pre-existing rock through which it passes
mantle rock
→ regolith
to get your rocks off
to reach orgasm ; gain sexual satisfaction
phosphate rock
any rock, esp. phosphorite, containing large amounts of phosphates , used as a raw material for making fertilizers , phosphorous chemicals , etc.
reservoir rock
rock which collects and traps oil and gas due to its permeability and porosity
rock and roll
Rock and roll is a kind of popular music developed in the 1950s which has a strong beat and is played on electrical instruments .
duck on a rock
a children's game in which one player stands guard over a stone on a rock while the other players attempt to knock it off by throwing another stone in turn : if the thrower is tagged by the guard while trying to recover the stone, the two players then change positions
either of two tropical South American birds, Rupicola rupicola or R . peruviana, having an erectile crest and (in the male ) a brilliant red or orange plumage : family Cotingidae ( cotingas )