Word forms: plural yesesIn informal English, yes is often pronounced in a casual way that is usually written as yeah.
1. convention
You use yes to give a positive response to a question.
'Are you a friend of Nick's?'—'Yes.'
'You actually wrote it down, didn't you?'—'Yes.'
Will she say yes when I ask her out?
2. convention
You use yes to accept an offer or request, or to give permission.
'More coffee?'—'Yes please.'
'Will you take me there?'—'Yes, I will.'
'Can I ask you something?'—'Yes, of course.'
3. convention
You use yes to tell someone that what they have said is correct.
'Well I suppose it is based on the old lunar months isn't it.'—'Yes that's right.'
'That's a type of whitefly, is it?'—'Yes, it is a whitefly.'
4. convention
You use yes to show that you are ready or willing to speak to the person who wants to speak to you, for example when you are answering a phone or a knock at your door.
He pushed a button on the intercom. 'Yes?' came a voice.
Yes, can I help you?
5. convention
You use yes to indicate that you agree with, accept, or understand what the previous speaker has said.
'Not everyone has the gift of a husband like Paul.'—'Oh yes.'
'It's a fabulous opportunity.'—'Yeah. I know.'
6. convention
You use yes to encourage someone to continue speaking.
'I remembered something funny today.'—'Yeah?'
7. convention
You use yes, usually followed by 'but', as a polite way of introducing what you want to say when you disagree with something the previous speaker has just said.
'She is entitled to three thousand pounds of income.'—'Yes, but she doesn't earnany money.'
Ah yes, but think of all the family life they're missing.
8. convention
You use yes to say that a negative statement or question that the previous speaker has made is wrong or untrue.
'That is not possible,' she said. 'Oh, yes, it is!' Mrs Gruen insisted.
'I don't know what you're talking about.'—'Yes, you do.'
9. convention
You can use yes to suggest that you do not believe or agree with what the previous speaker has said, especially when you want to express your annoyance about it.
'There was no way to stop it.'—'Oh yes? Well, here's something else you won't beable to stop.'
10. convention
You use yes to indicate that you had forgotten something and have just remembered it.
What was I going to say. Oh yeah, we've finally got our second computer.
11. convention
You use yes to emphasize and confirm a statement that you are making.
He collected the £10,000 first prize. Yes, £10,000.
See yes and no
13. countable noun
A yes is a person who has answered 'yes' to a question or who has voted in favour of something, or the answer or vote they have made.
The no-votes are leading the yeses.
The noes have 50 percent, the yeses 35 percent and the rest are undecided.
More Synonyms of yes
yes in British English
sentence substitute
used to express acknowledgment, affirmation, consent, agreement, or approval or to answer when one is addressed
used, often with interrogative intonation, to signal someone to speak or keep speaking, enter a room, or do something
an answer or vote of yes
4. (often plural)
a person who votes in the affirmative
Compare no1
Word origin
Old English gēse, from iā sīe may it be; see yea
yes in American English
aye; yea; it is so: the opposite of no, used to express agreement, consent, affirmation, or confirmation
not only that, but more; moreover [ready, yes, eager to help]
it is so; aye; yea
the opposite of no
4. Informal
good, that's it, I've got it, etc.: spoken emphatically in expressing satisfaction, agreement, pleasure, etc.
what is it? do you wish to say (or add) something?
used in inquiry
is it so?
used in conversation to express polite interest
nounWord forms: pluralˈyeses
the act of saying yes; affirmative reply; agreement
an affirmative vote or a person voting this way
: also aye, yea
verb transitive, verb intransitiveWord forms: yessed or ˈyessing
to say yes (to)
Word origin
ME < OE gese, yes, prob. < gea, yea + si, be it so, 3d pers. sing., pres. subj., of beon, to be: see be
Examples of 'yes' in a sentence
If you answered yes to three or more of these you are an impressive slacker.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
The answer is yes if the game is played between a dozen clubs of equal sporting intellect as well as resources.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
And yes, that just means the tallest of tall buildings.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Yes, instinct says we should not be here.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Opinion polls pointed to a victory for a Yes vote in a referendum yesterday.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
I think the answer to the first is probably yes.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Yes, no one was being too precise yesterday over what exactly the errant knight had come up with.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Saying yes to powerful things.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Luxury, yes, but just three ingredients.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
He just answers yes or no when they say anything to him.
The Sun (2015)
The clear answer is "yes".
O'Keeffe, John Your One Week Way to Mind-Fitness (1994)
Those who abstained or voted no were counted as having voted yes.
Michael Burleigh Earthly Powers: Religion and Politics in Europe from the Enlightenment to the GreatWar (2005)
There is no chance they would admit as much but the shrewd answer is probably yes.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
The answer is probably yes on all counts.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
Saying yes was the easy bit.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The answer is yes and no.
Steel, Elizabeth Coping With Sudden Hair Loss (1988)
Yes indeed - but it defies all logic.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
Yes, they actually wear their underpants on the outside of their trousers.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
If you answered yes to any one of these questions then, you have a problem.
Standen, Chris Superdog! Action plans that work for a happy and well-behaved pet (1990)
Yes, just in time to get caught up in the shootings.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
Yes indeed, though only for one night.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
He could actually say yes, and she would lose her control over the situation.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
If you want their lunch, say yes.
Thomas Blaikie Blaikie's Guide to Modern Manners (2005)
We may do better if we vote Yes to the alternative vote.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
Yes indeed, that is the rescue shaft.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Do you mean to say that they actually voted Yes?
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
I just say yes to all of them.
The Sun (2012)
The father replied 'Ah, yes.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
In other languages
British English: yes! /jɛs/ INTERJECTION
You say `yes!' to give a positive response to a question.
American English: yes!
Arabic: نَعَم
Brazilian Portuguese: sim!
Chinese: 是!
Croatian: da!
Czech: ano!
Danish: ja
Dutch: ja!
European Spanish: ¡sí!
Finnish: kyllä!
French: oui !
German: ja!
Greek: ναι!
Italian: sì!
Japanese: はい!
Korean: 그럼요!
Norwegian: ja!
Polish: tak!
European Portuguese: sim!
Romanian: da!
Russian: да!
Latin American Spanish: ¡sí!
Swedish: ja!
Thai: ใช่
Turkish: evet!
Ukrainian: так
Vietnamese: vâng!
All related terms of 'yes'
yes man
If you describe a man as a yes-man , you dislike the fact that he seems always to agree with people who have authority over him, in order to gain favour .
yes men
a servile , submissive , or acquiescent subordinate , assistant , or associate; sycophant
If you describe a woman as a yes-woman , you dislike the fact that she seems always to agree with people who have authority over her, in order to gain favour .
yes please
a polite formula for accepting an offer , invitation , etc
yes and no
You say yes and no in reply to a question when you cannot give a definite answer , because in some ways the answer is yes and in other ways the answer is no.