an aromatic umbelliferous Eurasian plant, Anthriscus cerefolium, with small white flowers and aniseed-flavoured leaves used as herbs in soups and salads
2. bur chervil
a related plant, Chaerophyllum temulentum, having a hairy purple-spotted stem
Word origin
Old English cerfelle, from Latin caerephylla, plural of caerephyllum chervil, from Greek khairephullon, from khairein to enjoy + phullon leaf
chervil in American English
an annual herb (Anthriscus cerefolium) of the umbel family, whose leaves are used for flavoring salads, soups, etc.
a similar plant (Chaerophyllum bulbosum) grown for its carrotlike root
sweet cicely (sense 2)
Word origin
ME chervel < OE cerfelle < L chaerephyllum < Gr chairephyllon < chairein, to rejoice (see charisma) + phyllon, leaf: see -phyll