A bandwidth is the range of frequencies used for a particular telecommunications signal, radio transmission, or computer network.
bandwidth in British English
the range of frequencies within a given waveband used for a particular transmission
the range of frequencies over which a receiver or amplifier should not differ by more than a specified amount
the range of frequencies used in a specific telecommunications signal
4. informal
resources that allow one to negotiate a particular situation
bandwidth in American English
(ˈbændˌwɪdθ; bændˌwɪtθ)
the range of frequencies within a radiation band required to transmit a particular signal
2. Computing
the rate at which information can be transmitted along or to an electronic communications line, device, etc.
bandwidth in Electrical Engineering
(bændwɪdθ) or BW
(Electrical engineering: Communication)
Bandwidth is the range of frequencies, or information, that a circuit can handle or the range of frequencies that a signal contains or occupies.
COLLOCATIONS: low ~high ~
Bandwidth is the width of the range of frequencies that an electronic signal uses on a giventransmission medium.
Since the frequency of a signal is measured in hertz, a given bandwidth is the difference in hertz between the highest frequency the signal uses and thelowest frequency it uses.
Bandwidth is the range of frequencies, or information, that a circuit can handle or the rangeof frequencies that a signal contains or occupies.
Examples of 'bandwidth' in a sentence
I discover new source of bandwidth, forbidden information channels, not truly radiation at all, unknown until now.
Greg Bear DEAD LINES (2004)
In other languages
British English: bandwidth NOUN
A bandwidth is the range of frequencies used for a particular telecommunications signal, radio transmission, or computer network.
To cope with this amount of data, the system will need a bandwidth of around 100MHz.