Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular presenttense tests, present participle testing, past tense, past participle tested
1. verb
When you test something, you try it, for example by touching it or using it for a short time, in order to find out what it is, what condition it is in, or how well it works.
Either measure the temperature with a bath thermometer or test the water with yourwrist. [VERB noun]
Here the army has its ranges where it tests missiles and other weaponry. [VERB noun]
The drug must first be tested in clinical trials to see if it works on other cancers. [beVERB-ed]
Synonyms: check, try, investigate, assess More Synonyms of test
2. countable noun
A test is a deliberate action or experiment to find out how well something works.
...the banning of nuclear tests.
3. verb
If you test someone, you ask them questions or tell them to perform certain actions in order to find out how much they know about a subject or how well they are able to do something.
They are not really testing pupils; they are testing the teachers. [VERB noun]
She decided to test herself with a training run in London. [VERB pronoun-reflexive]
4. countable noun
A test is a series of questions that you must answer or actions that you must perform in order to show how much you know about a subjector how well you are able to do something.
Out of a total of 2,602 pupils, only 922 passed the test.
She had sold her bike, taken a driving test and bought a car.
5. verb
If you test someone, you deliberately make things difficult for them in order to see how they react.
She may be testing her mother to see how much she can take before she throws herout. [VERB noun]
6. countable noun [usually singular]
If an event or situation is a testof a person or thing, it reveals their qualities or effectiveness.
It is a commonplace fact that holidays are a major test of any relationship. [+ of]
The test of any civilised society is how it treats its minorities.
Synonyms: measure, standard, proof, barometer More Synonyms of test
7. verb [usually passive]
If you are testedfor a particular disease or medical condition, you are examined or go through various procedures in order to find out whether you have that disease orcondition.
My doctor wants me to be tested for diabetes. [beVERB-ed + for]
Girls in an affected family can also be tested to see if they carry the defectivegene. [beVERB-ed]
8. countable noun
A medical test is an examination of a part of your body in order to check that you are healthy or to find out what is wrong with you.
If necessary, X-rays and blood tests will also be used to aid diagnosis.
The doctor ordered numerous tests, which revealed no physical problem.
9. countable noun
A test is a sports match between two international teams, usually in cricket, rugby union, or rugby league.
10. See also acid test, breath test, litmus test, means test, testing, test match
See put sth to the test
See put sth to the test
See stand the test of time
14. to test the waters
More Synonyms of test
test in British English1
to ascertain (the worth, capability, or endurance) of (a person or thing) by subjection to certain examinations; try
2. (often foll by for)
to carry out an examination on (a substance, material, or system) by applying somechemical or physical procedure designed to indicate the presence of a substance or the possession of a property
to test food for arsenic
to test for magnetization
3. (intransitive)
to achieve a specified result in a test
a quarter of the patients at the clinic tested positive for the AIDS virus
4. (transitive)
to put under severe strain
the long delay tested my patience
5. test the water
a method, practice, or examination designed to test a person or thing
a series of questions or problems designed to test a specific skill or knowledge
an intelligence test
a standard of judgment; criterion
a chemical reaction or physical procedure for testing a substance, material, etc
a chemical reagent used in such a procedure
litmus is a test for acids
the result of the procedure or the evidence gained from it
the test for alcohol was positive
10. sport test match
11. archaic
a declaration or confirmation of truth, loyalty, etc; oath
12. (modifier)
performed as a test
test drive
test flight
Derived forms
testable (ˈtestable)
testability (ˌtestaˈbility)
testing (ˈtesting)
Word origin
C14 (in the sense: vessel used in treating metals): from Latin testum earthen vessel
test in British English2
the hard or tough outer covering of certain invertebrates and tunicates
2. a variant of testa
Word origin
C19: from Latin testa shell
Test in American English
test in American English1
1. Archaic
cupel (sense 1)
an examination, experiment, or trial, as to prove the value or ascertain the nature of something
a method, process, or means used in making such an examination or trial
a standard or criterion by which the qualities of a thing are tried
an oath or declaration required as proof of one's orthodoxy, loyalty, etc.
an event, set of circumstances, etc. that proves or tries a person's qualities
the delay was a test of our patience
a set of questions, problems, or exercises for determining a person's knowledge, abilities, aptitude, or qualifications; examination
6. Chemistry
a trial or reaction for identifying a substance or ingredient
the reagent used in the procedure
a positive indication obtained by it
verb transitive
to refine (metal), as in a cupel
to subject to a test; try
9. Chemistry
to examine by means of a reagent or reagents
verb intransitive
to give or undergo a diagnostic test or a test of quality, function, etc.
usually with for [to test for blood sugar]
to be rated as the result of a test
to test high in comprehension
Derived forms
testable (ˈtestable)
Word origin
ME, a cupel < OFr, a pot, cupel < L testum, earthen vessel < testa, piece of burned clay, shell < IE base *tekth-, to weave, join > Sans tašta, cup, Gr tektōn, carpenter: mod. meaning from use of the cupel in examining metals
test in American English2
the hard outer covering of certain invertebrate animals, as the shell of clams
Word origin
L testa: see test1
More idioms containing
the acid test
a litmus test
something has stood the test of time
test the water
Examples of 'test' in a sentence
This will be a test of maturity.
The Sun (2016)
He is also tested at least four times a month.
The Sun (2016)
Those already here do not have to take the test unless concerns are raised.
The Sun (2017)
The sun helps you think like a winner and you do well in contests testing you mentally and physically.
The Sun (2017)
But we feel he has the physique and the attitude to make it in Test rugby.
The Sun (2017)
But if your family has a history of heart disease, a test could save their life.
The Sun (2017)
Within the family, too much togetherness can test relationships so design your day to include a little time for yourself.
The Sun (2016)
Of course'positive' for medical tests is usually not so positive.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Well, now is the time to put your knowledge to the test with our brilliant Tipstar competition!
The Sun (2016)
This led to a test procedure which assessed linguistic and clinical standards.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Test your fashion knowledge with our new style quiz.
The Sun (2008)
The owners have yet to pass the fit and proper persons test.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
The company has enough cash and debt to fund all three test wells this year.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
The bank wanted answers and the trustees more medical tests.
Louise Carpenter AN UNLIKELY COUNTESS: Lily Budge and the 13th Earl of Galloway (2004)
We may soon be able to test drugs in clinical trials.
The Sun (2010)
They will also be tested for contagious diseases.
The Sun (2015)
The first batch of ten shows is seen as a test of viewer demand.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
Thinking ahead may save you having to come back for an examination or tests.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
He refused to perform a breath test and was taken into custody for questioning.
The Sun (2014)
We hope it will be an incredible partnership that will stand the test of time.
The Sun (2009)
For the majority of cases something like a needs test will carry on.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
It should be a different story with testing conditions in her favour.
The Sun (2014)
They detect problems that we miss and they schedule tests and procedures without telling us.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
It also includes a quiz to test knowledge of this disease.
The Sun (2012)
It depends on the sophistication of the person you are testing.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
Performing well in these tests becomes a significant preoccupation for schools.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
New recruits have to take a medical test.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
We have only been able to test this hypothesis once.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
The cattle had already tested for the disease.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
Test rugby without a kicking game?
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
So much of Test rugby comes down to those two things.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
In other languages
British English: test /tɛst/ NOUN
experiment A test is an action or experiment to find out how well something works.
...the banning of nuclear tests.
American English: test
Arabic: اِخْتِبَار
Brazilian Portuguese: teste
Chinese: 测试
Croatian: test
Czech: test
Danish: test
Dutch: test
European Spanish: prueba examen
Finnish: koe
French: test
German: Test
Greek: τεστ
Italian: esame
Japanese: 試験
Korean: 시험
Norwegian: test
Polish: test
European Portuguese: teste
Romanian: testare
Russian: испытание
Latin American Spanish: prueba experimento
Swedish: test
Thai: การทดสอบ
Turkish: test
Ukrainian: випробування
Vietnamese: thử nghiệm
British English: test /tɛst/ VERB
If you test something, you try it to see what it is like, or how it works.
Test the water to see if it is warm.
American English: test
Arabic: يَخْتَبِرُ
Brazilian Portuguese: testar
Chinese: 检测
Croatian: testirati
Czech: testovat
Danish: teste
Dutch: testen
European Spanish: probar evaluar
Finnish: testata
French: tester
German: testen
Greek: δοκιμάζω
Italian: esaminare
Japanese: 試験する
Korean: 시험하다
Norwegian: teste
Polish: przetestować
European Portuguese: testar
Romanian: a testa
Russian: тестировать
Latin American Spanish: examinar probar
Swedish: testa
Thai: ทดสอบ
Turkish: denemek sınamak
Ukrainian: перевіряти
Vietnamese: thử nghiệm
British English: test /tɛst/ NOUN
personknowledge A test is something you do to show how much you know or what you can do.
The teacher gave us a maths test.
American English: test
Arabic: اِمْتِحان
Brazilian Portuguese: teste
Chinese: 测试
Croatian: test
Czech: test
Danish: prøve
Dutch: test
European Spanish: examen
Finnish: koe
French: test
German: Test
Greek: διαγώνισμα
Italian: test
Japanese: テスト
Korean: 시험
Norwegian: prøve
Polish: test
European Portuguese: teste
Romanian: test
Russian: испытание
Latin American Spanish: prueba
Swedish: test
Thai: การทดสอบ
Turkish: test
Ukrainian: тест
Vietnamese: bài kiểm tra
All related terms of 'test'
acid test
The acid test of something is an important aspect or result that it might have, which allows you to decide whether it is true or successful .
AIDS test
a blood test that detects whether the blood sample contains antibodies to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and thus whether a person has or is likely to develop AIDS
Ames test
a method of preliminary screening for carcinogens , based on their ability to cause mutations in bacteria
a test of a new or modified piece of computer software by customers who volunteer to do so
Dick test
a skin test for determining whether a person is immune or susceptible to scarlet fever
DNA test
A DNA test is a test in which someone's DNA is analysed , for example to see if they have committed a particular crime or are the parent of a particular child .
dope test
a test to determine whether an athlete is taking performance-enhancing drugs
drug test
a check for the presence of banned substances in someone's blood or urine
eye test
an eye examination , often done in a shop that sells glasses
film test
a filmed audition of a prospective actor or actress to test suitability
meeting difficult requirements
Kahn test
a modified form of the Wassermann test for the diagnosis of syphilis
vaporizing at a relatively high temperature
mom test
a test of the user-friendliness of a computer device or software based on the extent to which a user's mother is able to use it
MOT test
(in New Zealand and formerly in Britain) Ministry of Transport
New Test.
New Testament
Old Test.
Old Testament
Pap test
a similar test for precancerous cells in other organs
road test
a test to ensure that a vehicle is roadworthy , esp after repair or servicing , by driving it on roads
a diagnostic test that a computer performs on itself
sign test
a statistical test used to analyse the direction of differences of scores between the same or matched pairs of subjects under two experimental conditions
skin test
any test to determine immunity to a disease or hypersensitivity by introducing a small amount of the test substance beneath the skin or rubbing it into a fresh scratch
soak test
the act or process of testing something, such as software or a component , over an extended period of time
spot test
an informal test run without elaborate preparation in order to obtain an immediate sample response
Test Act
a law passed in 1673 in England to exclude Catholics from public life by requiring all persons holding offices under the Crown , such as army officers , to take the Anglican Communion and perform other acts forbidden to a Catholic: repealed in 1828
test ban
an agreement among nations to forgo tests of some or all types of nuclear weapons
A test bed is a piece of equipment used for testing new machines .
test bore
a bore hole made to test the structure and content of the ground or soil
test card
a complex pattern used to test the characteristics of a television transmission system
test case
A test case is a legal case which becomes an example for deciding other similar cases.
test data
data that is used in the testing of a computer program
test film
a short film that serves as an example of a longer work
to fly (a plane or rocket ) for the first time in order to test its equipment
test run
If you give a machine or system a test run , you try it out to see if it will work properly when it is actually in use.
test tube
A test tube is a small tube-shaped container made from glass. Test tubes are used in laboratories .
tine test
a tuberculin test in which the skin is punctured by small tines , or prongs , coated with a small amount of protein from dead tubercle bacilli
an in-house test of a new or modified piece of computer software
Bárány test
a test which detects diseases of the semicircular canals of the inner ear , devised by Robert Bárány (1876–1936)
bench test
the critical evaluation of a new or repaired component , device, apparatus , etc, prior to installation to ensure that it is in perfect condition
Binet test
a test comprising questions and tasks , used to determine the mental age of subjects, usually children
blind test
a test in which the participants cannot identify the products that they are testing
blood test
A blood test is a medical examination of a small amount of your blood.
breath test
A breath test is a test carried out by police in which a driver blows into a special bag or electronic device to show how much alcohol he or she has drunk .
cloze test
test of the ability to understand text
crash test
the act of crashing a vehicle under controlled conditions in order to assess its safety for passengers
drugs test
a check for the presence of banned substances in someone's blood or urine
essay test
a test that requires answers in essay form
field test
If you field-test a new piece of equipment, you test it in a real, natural environment.
flame test
a test for detecting the presence of certain metals in compounds by the coloration they give to a flame . Sodium , for example , turns a flame yellow
⇒ The test of any civilised society is how it treats its minorities.对于任何文明社会的判断标准是它怎样对待少数民族。 (Duìyú rènhé wénmíng shèhuì de pànduàn biāozhǔn shì tā zěnyàng duìdài shǎoshù mínzú.)
(Med) 检验(驗) (jiǎnyàn) (次, cì)
⇒ a blood test验血 (yàn xuè)
(Chem) 化验(驗) (huàyàn)
⇒ They carried out tests on the water.他们对水域进行了化验。 (Tāmen duì shuǐyù jìnxíngle huàyàn.)