potatoesChips or potato chips are thin pieces of potato fried in oil.
American English: French fries
Arabic: بَطَاطِس مَقْلِيَّة
Brazilian Portuguese: batata frita
Chinese: 薯条
Croatian: čips
Czech: hranolky
Danish: chips
Dutch: chips
European Spanish: patatas fritas
Finnish: ranskalaiset perunat
French: frites
German: Pommes
Greek: τηγανητές πατάτες
Italian: patate fritte
Japanese: フライドポテト
Korean: 감자칩
Norwegian: pommes frites
Polish: frytki
European Portuguese: batata frita
Romanian: chips
Russian: картофель-фри
Latin American Spanish: papa frita
Swedish: pommes frites
Thai: มันฝรั่งทอด
Turkish: kızarmış patates
Ukrainian: картопля фрі
Vietnamese: khoai tây rán
All related terms of 'CHIPS'
Chips are long, thin pieces of potato fried in oil or fat and eaten hot , usually with a meal .
a small piece removed by chopping , cutting , or breaking
game chips
round thin potato chips served with game
machi chips
in Indian English , fish and chips
oven chips
chips or fries that can be cooked in the oven
spit chips
to be very angry
in the chips
rich ; wealthy
tortilla chips
thick crisps made from corn which are often served with dips such as salsa
cheap as chips
inexpensive ; good value
fish and chips
fish fillets coated with batter and deep-fried , eaten with potato chips
polystyrene chips
small pieces of polystyrene used for insulating or packing
chip in
When a number of people chip in , each person gives some money so that they can pay for something together.
a device within a television set that allows the set to be programmed not to receive transmissions that have been classified as containing sex , violence , or obscene language
blue chip
Blue chip stocks and shares are an investment which are considered fairly safe to invest in while also being profitable .
corn chip
a thin, crisp piece of snack food made from cornmeal
log chip
the chip of a chip log
RAM chip
a microchip that when plugged in to a computer provides extra memory
SIMM chip
single in-line memory module : a type of circuit board in a computer that adds memory
soap flakes
small flakes or chips of soap commercially produced and packaged for washing laundry , dishes, etc
call in your chips
to decide to use your influence or social connections in order to gain an advantage over other people
cash in your chips
to sell something such as your investments , in order to raise money
virus chip
a glass slide embedded with viral DNA used in DNA sequencing to analyse the genetic makeup of viruses
cash in one's chips
to turn in one's chips for their equivalent in money
have had one's chips
to be defeated, condemned to die , killed , etc
have had your chips
to have completely failed in something that you were trying to do
memory chip
In a computer, the memory chip is the microchip in which information is stored .
neural chip
a semiconductor chip designed for use in an electronic neural network
potato chip
Potato chips are very thin slices of potato that have been fried until they are hard , dry , and crisp .
silicon chip
A silicon chip is a very small piece of silicon inside a computer . It has electronic circuits on it and can hold large quantities of information or perform mathematical or logical operations .
when the chips are down
If you say that something happens when the chips are down , you mean it happens when a situation gets very difficult.
bargaining chip
In negotiations with other people, a bargaining chip is something that you are prepared to give up in order to obtain what you want .
chip away at
If you chip away at something such as an idea , a feeling, or a system, you gradually make it weaker or less likely to succeed by repeated efforts .
computer chip
a small integrated circuit of a kind used in computers
tortilla chip
Tortilla chips are thick crisps made from corn which are often served with dips such as salsa .
a semiconductor chip designed for use in an electronic neural network