A bank card is a plastic card which your bank gives you so you can get money from your bank account using a cash machine. It is also called an ATM card in American English.
2. countable noun
A bank card is a credit card that is supplied by a bank.
bank card in American English
an identification card with a magnetically coded strip, issued by a bank
; specif.,
credit card
a card used for deposits, withdrawals, etc., as at an ATM1
Examples of 'bank card' in a sentence
bank card
He stole her phone, bank card and cash.
The Sun (2016)
Can you use any bank card to pay for tickets?
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
The details were then used to clone bank cards and withdraw cash.
The Sun (2006)
Many do not have bank cards to withdraw cash.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
He used my bank card and took money without me knowing about it.
The Sun (2014)
These are aimed at holidaymakers reluctant to use their bank card to withdraw cash or make payments abroad.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
My parents cannot withdraw money using their bank cards and my mother is upset at not being able to get enough cash.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
The parcel also contained all his cash, bank cards and driving licence.
The Sun (2013)
He was caught after using the woman's bank card to withdraw cash.
The Sun (2016)
She was carrying no money, bank cards or passport.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
She took no money, bank cards or her passport.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
Chinese translation of 'bank card'
bank card
(Brit, for cash machine) 银(銀)行卡 (yínhángkǎ) (张(張), zhāng)