Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular presenttense marks, present participle marking, past tense, past participle marked
1. countable noun
A mark is a small area of something such as dirt that has accidentally got onto a surface or piece of clothing.
The dogs are always rubbing against the wall and making dirty marks.
A properly fitting bra should never leave red marks.
Synonyms: spot, stain, streak, smudge More Synonyms of mark
2. verb
If something marks a surface, or if the surface marks, the surface is damaged by marks or a mark.
Leather overshoes were put on the horses' hooves to stop them marking the turf. [VERB noun]
I have to be more careful with the work tops, as wood marks easily. [VERB]
Synonyms: scar, scratch, dent, imprint More Synonyms of mark
3. countable noun
A mark is a written or printed symbol, for example a letter of the alphabet.
He made marks with a pencil.
Synonyms: symbol, sign, character, diacritic More Synonyms of mark
4. verb
If you mark something with a particular word or symbol, you write that word or symbol on it.
The bank marks the check 'certified'. [V n quote]
Mark the frame with your postcode. [VERB noun + with]
For more details about these products, send a postcard marked HB/FF. [VERB-ed]
Synonyms: label, identify, brand, flag More Synonyms of mark
5. countable noun
A mark is a point that is given for a correct answer or for doing something well in an exam or competition. A mark can also be a written symbol such as a letter that indicates how good a student'sor competitor's work or performance is.
...a simple scoring device of marks out of 10, where '1' equates to 'Very poor performance'.
Candidates who answered 'b' could be awarded half marks.
He did well to get such a good mark.
Synonyms: grade, rating, score, grading More Synonyms of mark
6. plural noun
If someone gets good or high marks for doing something, they have done it well. If they get poor or low marks, they have done it badly.
You have to give her top marks for moral guts.
His administration has earned low marks for its economic policies.
7. verb
When a teacher marks a student's work, the teacher decides how good it is and writes a number or letter on it to indicate this opinion.
He was marking essays in his small study. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: grade, correct, assess, evaluate More Synonyms of mark
markinguncountable noun
For the rest of the lunchbreak I do my marking.
8. countable noun
A particular mark is a particular number, point, or stage which has been reached or might be reached, especially a significant one.
Unemployment is rapidly approaching the one million mark.
Synonyms: point, level, stage, degree More Synonyms of mark
9. countable noun
The markof something is the characteristic feature that enables you to recognize it.
The mark of a civilized society is that it looks after its weakest members. [+ of]
Synonyms: characteristic, feature, symptom, standard More Synonyms of mark
10. singular noun
If you say that a type of behaviour or an event is amarkof a particular quality, feeling, or situation, you mean it shows that that quality,feeling, or situation exists.
It was a mark of his unfamiliarity with Hollywood that he didn't understand thatan agent was paid out of his client's share. [+ of]
Shopkeepers closed their shutters as a mark of respect.
Synonyms: indication, sign, note, evidence More Synonyms of mark
11. verb
If something marks a place or position, it shows where something else is or where it used to be.
A huge crater marks the spot where the explosion happened. [VERB noun]
...the river which marks the border with Thailand. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: distinguish, show, illustrate, exemplify More Synonyms of mark
12. verb
An event that marks a particular stage or point is a sign that something different is about to happen.
The announcement marks the end of an extraordinary period in European history. [VERB noun]
That programme received critical acclaim and marked a turning point in Sonita's career. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: indicate, represent, herald, denote More Synonyms of mark
13. verb
If you do something to mark an event or occasion, you do it to show that you are aware of the importance of the event or occasion.
The four new stamps mark the 100th anniversary of the British Astronomical Association. [VERB noun]
Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets to mark the occasion. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: celebrate, honour, observe, keep More Synonyms of mark
14. verb
If a particular quality or feature marks something, it is a quality or feature which that thing typically has.
Tragedy has marked Wilmette's life. [VERB noun]
The style is marked by simplicity, clarity, and candor. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: characterize, distinguish, identify, typify More Synonyms of mark
15. verb
Something that marks someone as a particular type of person indicates that they are that type of person.
Her opposition to abortion and feminism mark her as a convinced traditionalist. [VERB noun + as]
16. verb
In a team game, when a defender is marking an attacker, they are trying to stay close to the attacker and prevent them from getting the ball.
[mainly British]
Every player knows who to mark when we start a game. [VERB noun]
regional note: in AM, use guard, cover
markinguncountable noun
They had stopped Ecuador from building up attacks with good marking.
17. countable noun
The mark was the unit of money that was used in Germany. In 2002 it was replaced by the euro.
The government gave 30 million marks for new school books.
The mark was also used to refer to the German currency system.
The mark appreciated 12 per cent against the dollar.
18. uncountable noun
Mark is used before a number to indicate a particular temperature level in a gas oven.
Set the oven at gas mark 4.
19. uncountable noun
Mark is used before a number to indicate a particular version or model of a vehicle, machine, or device.
All eyes will be on the unveiling of the mark III model at the Detroit car show.
Synonyms: brand, impression, label, stamp More Synonyms of mark
20. See also marked, marking, black mark, check mark, exclamation mark, full marks, high-water mark, punctuation mark, question mark, scuff mark, stretch marks
See to leave your/a mark
See to make your/a mark
See quick off the mark
See on your marks
See on/off the mark
See up to the mark
See wide of the mark
See mark you
29. to overstep the mark
30. mark my words
Phrasal verbs:
See mark down
See mark off
See mark out
See mark up
More Synonyms of mark
mark in British English1
a visible impression, stain, etc, on a surface, such as a spot or scratch
a sign, symbol, or other indication that distinguishes something
an owner's mark
a cross or other symbol made instead of a signature
a written or printed sign or symbol, as for punctuation
a question mark
a letter, number, or percentage used to grade academic work
a thing that indicates position or directs; marker
a desired or recognized standard
he is not up to the mark
an indication of some quality, feature, or prowess
he has the mark of an athlete
quality or importance; note
a person of little mark
a target or goal
impression or influence
she left her mark on German literature
one of the temperature settings on a gas oven
gas mark 5
13. (often capital)(in trade names)
model, brand, or type
the car is a Mark 4
a variation on a particular model
a Mark 3 Golf
14. slang
a suitable victim, esp for swindling
15. nautical
one of the intervals distinctively marked on a sounding lead
Compare deep (sense 21)
16. bowling another name for the jack1 (sense 7)
17. rugby union
an action in which a player standing inside his or her own 22m line catches a forward kick by an opponent and shouts "mark", thus becoming entitled to a free kick
18. Australian Rules football
a catch of the ball from a kick of at least 10 yards, after which a free kick is taken
19. the mark
(in medieval England and Germany) a piece of land held in common by the free men of a community
21. an obsolete word for frontier
22. statistics class mark
23. make one's mark
24. on your mark
to make or receive (a visible impression, trace, or stain) on (a surface)
26. (transitive)
to characterize or distinguish
his face was marked by anger
27. (often foll byoff or out)
to set boundaries or limits (on)
to mark out an area for negotiation
28. (transitive)
to select, designate, or doom by or as if by a mark
to mark someone as a criminal
29. (transitive)
to put identifying or designating labels, stamps, etc, on, esp to indicate price
to mark the book at one pound
30. (transitive)
to pay heed or attention to
mark my words
to observe; notice
to grade or evaluate (scholastic work)
she marks fairly
33. British sport
to stay close to (an opponent) to hamper his or her play
to keep (score) in some games
35. mark time
36. rugby union
the shout given by a player when calling for a mark
Word origin
Old English mearc mark; related to Old Norse mörk boundary land, Old High German marha boundary, Latin margōmargin
mark in British English2
1. Deutschmark, markka, Reichsmark, Ostmark
a former monetary unit and coin in England and Scotland worth two thirds of a pound sterling
a silver coin of Germany until 1924
Word origin
Old English marc unit of weight of precious metal, perhaps from the marks on metal bars; apparentlyof Germanic origin and related to mark1
Mark in British English
noun New Testament
one of the four Evangelists. Feast day: April 25
the second Gospel, traditionally ascribed to him
Mark in American English
a masculine name: var. Marc
see also Marcus
a. Bible
one of the four Evangelists, to whom is ascribed the second Gospel: his day is April25
: also Saint Mark
the second book of the New Testament, telling the story of Jesus' life
abbrev. Mk
mark in American English1
a visible trace or impression on a surface
; specif.,
a line, dot, or other distinctive feature produced by drawing, coloring, stamping, etc.
a spot, stain, scratch, blemish, mar, bruise, dent, etc.
a sign, symbol, or indication
; specif.,
a printed or written sign or stroke
punctuation marks
a brand, label, seal, tag, etc. put on an article to show the owner, maker, etc.
a sign or indication of some quality, character, etc.
politeness is a mark of good upbringing
a letter or figure used in schools, etc. to show quality of work or behavior; grade;rating
a mark of B in history
a cross or other sign made on a document as a substitute for a signature by a person unable to write
a standard of quality, proficiency, propriety, etc.
failing to come up to the mark
importance; distinction; eminence
a man of mark
impression; influence
to leave one's mark in history
a visible object of known position, serving as a guide or point of reference
a tower as a mark for fliers
a line, dot, notch, etc. used to indicate position, as on a graduated scale
an object aimed at; target
an object desired or worked for; end; aim; goal
a person against whom an attack, criticism, ridicule, etc. is directed
b. Slang
an intended victim of a swindle
a taking notice; heed
11. Archaic
a boundary, border, or borderland; march
among Germanic peoples in earlier times, land held or worked in common by a community
12. Nautical
one of the knots or bits of leather or colored cloth placed at irregular intervals on a lead line to indicate depths in fathoms
see also deep (sense 20)
13. Sport
the starting line of a race
a spare or a strike in bowling
verb transitive
to put or make a mark or marks on
to identify or designate by or as by a mark or marks
abilities that mark one for success
to trace, make, or produce by or as by marks; draw, write, record, etc.
to show or indicate by a mark or marks
to show plainly; manifest; make clear or perceptible
a smile marking happiness
to set off as distinctive; distinguish; characterize
scientific discoveries that marked the 19th century
to observe; note; take notice of; heed
mark my words
to give a grade or grades to; rate
to mark examination papers
to put prices on (merchandise)
to keep (score, etc.); record
24. Soccer and Hockey Etc
to stay close to in order to impede the movement of (an opponent)
verb intransitive
to make a mark or marks
to observe; take note
27. Games
to keep score
beside the mark
hit the mark
make one's mark
mark down
mark off
mark out for
mark time
mark up
miss the mark
(God) save the mark!
wide of the mark
Word origin
ME < OE mearc, orig., boundary, hence boundary sign, hence sign, akin to Ger mark, boundary, boundary mark, marke, a token, mark < Gmc *marka < IE base *mereĝ-, edge, boundary > L margo, margin, OIr mruig, borderland
mark in American English2
a former European unit of weight for gold and silver, equal to about eight ounces
a unit of value orig. equivalent to about eight ounces of silver
; specif.,
an obsolete Scottish silver coin
a former money of account of England
the former basic monetary unit of Germany, superseded in 1924 by the reichsmark
see also deutsche mark
deutsche mark
Word origin
ME marke < OE marc < ON mǫrk, a half pound of silver, mark, akin to mark1: orig. prob. in reference to symbol on the balance, later on the silver bar
More idioms containing
a question mark
mark time
a black mark
first off the mark
get off the mark
hit the mark
leave your mark
make your mark
off the mark
on the mark
overshoot the mark
overstep the mark
quick off the mark
slow off the mark
up to the mark
wide of the mark
Examples of 'mark' in a sentence
The notation Nagy used was for the same master mark that had burnt her.
Lirael trembled as the Librarian reached out and touched the Charter mark on her forehead.
She had to mark you to get the sense of steel engraving across.
Anthony Masters CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD (2001)
Leaping from rock to rock, she sprinted for nearly a mile, leaving no discernible footprints to mark her passage.
J.A. Jance DEVIL'S CLAW (2001)
Word lists with
Books of the New Testament, Terms used in Australian Rules Football, pope, saint
In other languages
British English: mark /mɑːk/ NOUN
dirty A mark is a small dirty area on a surface.
The bike fell against the wall and made a dirty mark.
American English: mark
Arabic: بُقْعَةٌ
Brazilian Portuguese: marca
Chinese: 污点
Croatian: mrlja
Czech: skvrna
Danish: mærke
Dutch: vlek
European Spanish: marca marca
Finnish: jälki
French: marque trace
German: Fleck
Greek: σημάδι
Italian: macchia
Japanese: 汚れの跡
Korean: 흠집
Norwegian: merke
Polish: plama
European Portuguese: marca
Romanian: pată
Russian: пятно
Latin American Spanish: marca señal hecha
Swedish: märke
Thai: คะแนน
Turkish: işaret
Ukrainian: пляма
Vietnamese: dấu
British English: mark /mɑːk/ VERB
write something on If you mark something, you write a word or symbol on it.
The bank marks the cheque `certified'.
American English: mark make sign
Arabic: يُوَّسِمُ
Brazilian Portuguese: marcar
Chinese: 作记号
Croatian: označiti
Czech: označit
Danish: markere
Dutch: markeren
European Spanish: marcar señalar
Finnish: merkitä
French: marquer laisser trace
German: markieren
Greek: σημαδεύω σπαμπάρω
Italian: segnare porre un segno
Japanese: 汚れの跡をつける make sign
Korean: 표시를 하다
Norwegian: stemple
Polish: zaznaczyć robić znak
European Portuguese: marcar
Romanian: a marca
Russian: делать отметку
Latin American Spanish: marcar señalar con signos distintivos
Swedish: markera
Thai: ทำเครื่องหมาย
Turkish: işaretlemek
Ukrainian: позначати
Vietnamese: đánh dấu
British English: mark /mɑːk/ VERB
grade When a teacher marks a student's work, the teacher corrects it or gives it a grade.
He was marking essays all evening.
American English: grade grade
Arabic: يُقَدِرُ الْدَرَجَاتِ
Brazilian Portuguese: dar nota
Chinese: 打分数
Croatian: ocijeniti
Czech: známkovat
Danish: bedømme
Dutch: cijfer geven
European Spanish: corregir evaluar
Finnish: arvostella koe tms.
French: noter évaluer
German: benoten
Greek: βαθμολογώ
Italian: dare il voto
Japanese: 採点する grade
Korean: 채점하다
Norwegian: evaluere
Polish: ocenić ocena
European Portuguese: dar nota
Romanian: a nota
Russian: ставить отметку
Latin American Spanish: calificar calificar, en general peyorativamente
Swedish: betygsätta
Thai: การให้คะแนน
Turkish: not vermek
Ukrainian: перевіряти
Vietnamese: cho điểm
British English: mark /mɑːk/ NOUN
written or drawn shape A mark is a shape that you write or draw.