a metrical foot used in classical verse consisting of four syllables, two short ones between two long ones (– ◡ ◡ –)
Derived forms
choriambic (ˌchoriˈambic)
Word origin
C19: from Late Latin choriambus, from Greek khoriambos, from khoreios trochee, of a chorus, from khoroschorus
choriamb in American English
(ˈkɔriˌæmb; ˈkɔriˌæm)
a metrical foot consisting, in Greek and Latin verse, of two short syllables between two long ones, or, as in English verse, oftwo unaccented syllables between two accented ones
: also ˌchoriˈambus (ˌkɔriˈæmbəs)Word forms: pluralˌchoriˈambuses
Derived forms
choriambic (ˌchoriˈambic) (ˈkɔrməˈæmbɪk)
Word origin
L choriambus < Gr choriambos < choreios, trochee, lit., pertaining to a chorus + iambos, iamb