A Christian is someone who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ.
He was a devout Christian.
Christians have always been involved in supporting others in times of loss.
2. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun]
Christian means relating to Christianity or Christians.
...the Christian Church.
...the Christian faith.
...Christian areas of Beirut.
Most of my friends are Christian.
Christian in British English1
a person who believes in and follows Jesus Christ
a member of a Christian Church or denomination
2. informal
a person who possesses Christian virtues, esp practical ones
of, relating to, or derived from Jesus Christ, his teachings, example, or his followers
4. (sometimes not capital)
exhibiting kindness or goodness
Derived forms
Christianly (ˈChristianly)
adjective, adverb
Christian in British English2
Charlie. 1919–42, US jazz guitarist
Christian in American English
(ˈkrɪstʃən; ˈkrɪstjən)
a person professing belief in Jesus as the Christ, or in the religion based on the teachings of Jesus
a masculine name: dim. Chris; fem. Christina, Christine
3. Informal
a decent, respectable person
of Jesus Christ or his teachings
of or professing the religion based on these teachings
having the qualities demonstrated and taught by Jesus Christ, as love, kindness, humility, etc.
of or representing Christians or Christianity
8. Informal
humane, decent, etc.
Derived forms
Christianly (ˈChristianly)
adjective, adverb
Word origin
ME & OE cristen < LL(Ec) Christianus < Gr christianos, a Christian < christos (see Christ1); mod. sp. < L
In other languages
British English: Christian /ˈkrɪstʃən/ ADJECTIVE
Christian means relating to Christianity or Christians.
...the Christian Church.
American English: Christian
Arabic: مَسِيحِيّ
Brazilian Portuguese: cristão
Chinese: 基督教的
Croatian: kršćanski
Czech: křesťanský
Danish: kristen
Dutch: christelijk
European Spanish: cristiano
Finnish: kristitty adjektiivi
French: chrétien
German: christlich
Greek: χριστιανικός
Italian: cristiano
Japanese: キリスト教の
Korean: 기독교의
Norwegian: kristen
Polish: chrześcijański
European Portuguese: cristão
Romanian: creștin
Russian: христианский
Latin American Spanish: cristiano
Swedish: kristen
Thai: เกี่ยวกับชาวคริสต์
Turkish: Hristiyan
Ukrainian: християнський
Vietnamese: theo đạo Thiên chúa
British English: Christian /ˈkrɪstʃən/ NOUN
A Christian is someone who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ.
He was a devout Christian.
American English: Christian
Arabic: مَسِيحِيّ
Brazilian Portuguese: cristão
Chinese: 基督徒
Croatian: kršćanin
Czech: křesťan
Danish: kristen
Dutch: christen
European Spanish: cristiano
Finnish: kristitty henkilö
French: chrétien
German: Christ
Greek: Χριστιανός
Italian: cristiano
Japanese: キリスト教徒
Korean: 기독교도
Norwegian: kristen
Polish: chrześcijanin
European Portuguese: cristão
Romanian: creștin
Russian: христианин
Latin American Spanish: cristiano
Swedish: kristen
Thai: คริสตศาสนิกชน
Turkish: Hristiyan
Ukrainian: християнин
Vietnamese: người theo đạo Thiên chúa
Definition of 'Christian'
All related terms of 'Christian'
Christian X
1890–1947, king of Denmark (1912–47) and Iceland (1918–44)
Christian Era
the period beginning with the year of Christ's birth . Dates in this era are labelled ad , those previous to it bc
Christian IV
1577–1648, king of Denmark and Norway (1588–1648): defeated in the Thirty Years' War (1629) and by Sweden (1645)
(of a person, country , etc) not adhering to the Christian faith
of or referring to the period of history prior to the establishment of Christianity
Christian name
Some people refer to their first names as their Christian names .
Early Christian
denoting or relating to the style of architecture that started in Italy in the 3rd century ad and spread through the Roman empire until the 5th century
Christian Action
an inter-Church movement formed in 1946 to promote Christian ideals in society at large
Christian Brothers
a religious congregation of laymen founded in France in 1684 for the education of poor people
Christian Democrat
a member or supporter of a Christian Democratic party
Christian Science
Christian Science is a type of Christianity which emphasizes the use of prayer to cure illness .
having historical connections to both Christianity and Judaism
Christian Democracy
the beliefs , principles, practices, or programme of a Christian Democratic party
Christian Democratic Party
any of various political parties in Europe and Latin America which combine moderate conservatism with historical links to the Christian Church
baptismal name
a personal name formally given to Christians at christening
ecclesiastical court
a church court in ecclesiastical matters, presided over by members of the clergy and usually having no compulsory jurisdiction
Brothers of the Christian Schools
a religious congregation of laymen founded in France in 1684 for the education of poor people
Young Men's Christian Association
an international organization that provides sports activities and accommodation for young men
Young Women's Christian Association
an international women's organization that works for the rights and interests of women
first name
Your first name is the first of the names that were given to you when you were born. You can also refer to all of your names except your surname as your first names .
Non- is used in front of adjectives and nouns to form adjectives that describe something as not having a particular quality or feature .