the Roman god of war, the father of Romulus and Remus
Greek counterpart: Ares
Mars in British English2
1. Also called: the Red Planet
the fourth planet from the sun, having a reddish-orange surface with numerous dark patches and two white polar caps. It has a thin atmosphere, mainly carbon dioxide, and low surface temperatures. Spacecraft encounters have revealed a history of volcanic activity and running surface water. The planet has two tiny satellites, Phobos and Deimos. Mean distance from sun: 228 million km; period of revolution around sun: 686.98 days; period of axial rotation: 24.6225 hours; diameter and mass: 53.2 and 10.7 per cent that of earth respectively
2. the alchemical name for iron
Mars in American English
1. Roman Mythology
the god of war; identified with the Greek Ares
2. a personification of
the seventh largest planet of the solar system and the fourth in distance from the sun: diameter, c. 6,790 km (c. 4,220 mi); period of revolution, 1.88 earth years; period of rotation, 24.62 hours; two satellites;symbol, ♂