a high-level computer programming language designed for dealing with real-time processing problems: used for military and other systems
Word origin
C20: named after Ada, Lady Lovelace, the English mathematician, daughter of Lord Byron (1815–52), who workedwith Charles Babbage (1792–1871) and whose description of his computing machines preservedthem for posterity
ADA in American English
American Dental Association
Americans for Democratic Action
Americans with Disabilities Act
Ada in American English
a feminine name
: also Adah
a modular computer language employing English words
Word origin
(sense 1) Heb ada, beauty; (sense 2) after Augusta Ada Byron (1815-52), daughter of Lord Byron, for her work with early mechanical computers
Examples of 'Ada' in a sentence
Cassandra said rather breathlessly, `We must be going now, Ada.
West, Charles STAGE FRIGHT
Ada brought in a tray of tea and hastily made griddle scones.
Haines, Pamela THE GOLDEN LION
Ada 's little button eyes gleamed as if she had read their thoughts.
West, Charles STAGE FRIGHT
Whenever I wheeled past her bed on my way to physical therapy, I observed the difference: Ada had given up.
French, Vivian &Fisher, Chris (illustrator) THE STAPLE STREET GANG: MANDY AND THE PURPLE SPOTTED HANKY (1993)