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English translation of '气'



  1. (= 气体) gas
    ⇒ 毒气 (dúqì) poison gas
  2. (= 空气) air
    ⇒ 这球没气了。 (Zhè qiú méi qì le.) This ball is deflated.
  3. (= 气息) breath
    ⇒ 上气不接下气 (shàngqì bùjiē xiàqì) out of breath
  4. (= 精神) mood
    ⇒ 垂头丧气 (chuí tóu sàng qì) be dejected
  5. (= 气味) smell
    ⇒ 臭气 (chòuqì) stink
  6. (= 习气) manner
    ⇒ 孩子气 (háiziqì) childishness
    ⇒ 书生气 (shūshēngqì) scholarly manner
  7. (= 怒气) anger
    ⇒ 忍下这口气 (rěnxià zhè kǒu qì) put up with someone's attitude
  8. (中医) qi

  1. (= 生气) be angry
  2. (= 使生气) provoke
    ⇒ 别气我! (Bié qì wǒ!) Don't provoke me!

Nearby words of

Related terms of

  • 丧气
  • 义气
  • 习气
  • 争气
  • 人气




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