a mineral that is a silicate of copper and occurs in shades of blue or green
the yellowish-green stone known as chrysocolla
chrysocolla in American English
a mineral, hydrous copper silicate, CuSiO3⋅2H2O, occurring in compact, green or blue masses, sometimes used in ornaments
Word origin
[1590–1600; ‹ L chrȳsocolla ‹ Gk chrȳsókolla gold solder, equiv. to chrȳso-chryso- + kólla glue (cf. collage)]This word is first recorded in the period 1590–1600. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: attack, class, operator, tea, volunteerchryso- is a combining form meaning “gold,” used in the formation of compound words. Otherwords that use the affix chryso- include: chrysolite, chrysomelid, chrysophenine, chrysoprase, chrysotherapy