Diana. born 1944, US singer: lead vocalist (1961–69) with Motown group the Supremes, whose hits include "Baby Love" (1964). Her subsequent recordings include Lady Sings the Blues (film soundtrack, 1972), and "Chain Reaction" (1986)
Sir James Clark. 1800–62, British naval officer; explorer of the Arctic and Antarctic. He located the north magnetic pole (1831) and discovered the Ross Sea during an Antarctic voyage (1839–43)
his uncle, Sir John. 1777–1856, Scottish naval officer and Arctic explorer
Sir Ronald. 1857–1932, English bacteriologist, who discovered the transmission of malaria by mosquitoes: Nobel prize for physiology or medicine 1902
Ross in American English
Betsy(Mrs. Elizabeth Griscom Ross) 1752-1836; Am. woman reputed to have made the first Am. flag with stars and stripes
Harold W(allace)1892-1951; U.S. magazine editor
Sir James Clark1800-62; Brit. polar explorer
Sir John1777-1856; Brit. arctic explorer, born in Scotland: uncle of Sir James
Sir Ronald1857-1932; Eng. pathologist, born in India
Word lists with
All related terms of 'Ross'
Ross Sea
a large arm of the S Pacific in Antarctica , incorporating the Ross Ice Shelf and lying between Victoria Land and the Edward VII Peninsula
Ross Island
an island in the W Ross Sea: contains the active volcano Mount Erebus
Ross Barrier
the ice shelf forming the S part of the Ross Sea, between Victoria Land and Byrd Land
Ross Dependency
a section of Antarctica administered by New Zealand . ( Claims are suspended under the Antarctic Treaty of 1959.) Includes the coastal regions of Victoria Land and King Edward VII Land, the Ross Sea and islands , and the Ross Ice Shelf . Area: about 414 400 sq km (160 000 sq miles)
Ross Ice Shelf
the ice shelf forming the S part of the Ross Sea, between Victoria Land and Byrd Land
Ross Shelf Ice
the ice shelf forming the S part of the Ross Sea, between Victoria Land and Byrd Land
Ross and Cromarty
(until 1975) a county of N Scotland, including the island of Lewis and many islets : now split between the Highland and Western Isles council areas