Jan (jan). 1886–1948, Czech statesman; foreign minister (1941–48). He died in mysterious circumstances after the Communists took control of the government
his father, Tomáš Garrigue (ˈtɔmaːʃ ˈɡarik). 1850–1937, Czech philosopher and statesman; a founder of Czechoslovakia (1918) and its first president (1918–35)
Masaryk in American English
(ˈmasaʀɪk; E ˈmæsərɪk)
Jan (jan) 1886-1948; Czech statesman: son of Tomáš
ˈTomáš Garˈrigue (ˈtɔmɑʃ gaˈʀig) 1850-1937; Czech statesman: 1st president of Czechoslovakia (1918-35)