Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular presenttense claims, present participle claiming, past tense, past participle claimed
1. verb
If you say that someone claimsthat something is true, you mean they say that it is true but you are not sure whether or not they are telling the truth.
He claimed that it was all a conspiracy against him. [VERB that]
A man claiming to be a journalist threatened to reveal details about her privatelife. [VERB to-infinitive]
'I had never received one single complaint against me,' claimed the humiliated doctor. [VERB with quote]
He claims a 70 to 80 per cent success rate. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: assert, insist, maintain, allege More Synonyms of claim
2. countable noun [oft NOUN that]
A claim is something which someone says which they cannot prove and which may be false.
He repeated his claim that the people backed his action.
He rejected claims that he had affairs with six women.
Synonyms: assertion, statement, allegation, declaration More Synonyms of claim
3. verb
If you say that someone claims responsibility or credit for something, you mean they say that they are responsible for it, but you are not sure whether or not they are telling the truth.
An underground organisation has claimed responsibility for the bomb explosion. [VERB noun]
He was too modest to claim the credit. [VERB noun]
4. verb
If you claim something, you try to get it because you think you have a right to it.
Now they are returning to claim what was theirs. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: take, receive, pick up, collect More Synonyms of claim
5. countable noun
A claim is a demand for something that you think you have a right to.
Rival claims to Macedonian territory caused conflict in the Balkans. [+ to]
6. verb
If someone claims a record, title, or prize, they gain or win it.
Zhuang claimed the record in 54.64 seconds. [VERB noun]
...the first time a British man has claimed a world title in the sport. [VERB noun]
7. countable noun
If you have a claim on someone or their attention, you have the right to demand things from them or to demand their attention.
She'd no claims on him now. [+ on]
He was surrounded by people, all with claims on his attention. [+ on]
8. verb
If something or someone claims your attention, they need you to spend your time and effort on them.
There is already a long list of people claiming her attention. [VERB noun]
9. verb
If you claim money from the government, an insurance company, or another organization, you officially apply to them for it, because you think you are entitled to it according to their rules.
Some 25 per cent of the people who are entitled to claim State benefits do not doso. [VERB noun]
John had taken out redundancy insurance but when he tried to claim, he was refusedpayment. [VERB]
They intend to claim for damages against the three doctors. [VERB + for]
Synonyms: demand, call for, ask for, insist on More Synonyms of claim
Claim is also a noun.
...the office which has been dealing with their claim for benefit. [+ for]
Last time we made a claim on our insurance they paid up really quickly. [+ on]
10. verb
If you claim money or other benefits from your employers, you demand them because you think you deserve or need them.
The union claimed a pay rise worth four times the rate of inflation. [VERB noun]
Claim is also a noun.
They are making substantial claims for improved working conditions. [+ for]
Electricity workers have voted for industrial action in pursuit of a pay claim.
11. verb
If you say that a war, disease, or accident claims someone's life, you mean that they are killed in it or by it.
The civil war claimed the life of a U.N. interpreter yesterday. [VERB noun]
Heart disease is the biggest killer, claiming 180,000 lives a year. [VERB noun]
12. See also no claims
See claim to fame
See to lay claim to something
15. to stake a claim
More Synonyms of claim
claim in British English
verb(mainly tr)
to demand as being due or as one's property; assert one's title or right to
he claimed the record
2. (takes a clause as object or an infinitive)
to assert as a fact; maintain against denial
he claimed to be telling the truth
to call for or need; deserve
this problem claims our attention
to take
the accident claimed four lives
an assertion of a right; a demand for something as due
an assertion of something as true, real, or factual
he made claims for his innocence
a right or just title to something; basis for demand
a claim to fame
8. lay claim to
anything that is claimed, esp in a formal or legal manner, such as a piece of land staked out by a miner
10. law
a document under seal, issued in the name of the Crown or a court, commanding the person to whom it is addressed to do or refrain from doing some specified act
former name writ1
a demand for payment in connection with an insurance policy, etc
the sum of money demanded
Derived forms
claimable (ˈclaimable)
claimer (ˈclaimer)
Word origin
C13: from Old French claimer to call, appeal, from Latin clāmāre to shout
claim in American English
verb transitive
to demand or ask for as rightfully belonging or due to one; assert one's right to (a title, accomplishment, etc. that should be recognized)
to claim a record in the high jump
to call for; require; deserve
a problem that claims attention
3. US
to state as a fact or as one's belief (something that may be called into question); assert
a demand for something rightfully or allegedly due
a right or title to something
her sole claim to fame
something claimed
, as
a piece of land staked out by a settler or miner
money demanded for an insurance settlement
7. US
a statement, as a fact, of something that may be called into question; assertion
lay claim to
Derived forms
claimable (ˈclaimable)
Word origin
ME claimen < OFr claimer, to call, claim < L clamare, to cry out: see clamor
claim in Insurance1
Word forms: (regular plural) claims
(Insurance: Claims)
A claim is a request to an insurance company for payment of a sum of money according to the terms of aninsurance policy.
Over the course of 30 or 40 years there may be only a handful of times you need tomake an insurance claim.
Your employer is responsible for all issues related to your employment and your claim for workers' compensation.
A claim is a request to an insurance company for payment of a sum of money according to theterms of an insurance policy.
claim form, claims investigator, claims notification, claims ratio, deny a claim, file a claim, long-tail claims, pay a claim, report a claim, settle a claim
claim in Insurance2
Word forms: (regular plural) claims
(Insurance: Claims)
A claim is a sum of money demanded from an insurance company according to the terms of aninsurance policy.
The employer assumes all or part of the responsibility for paying the health insuranceclaims of the employees.
A deductible is an amount deducted from an insurance claim.
A claim is a sum of money demanded from an insurance company according to the terms of aninsurance policy.
claim in Insurance3
Word forms: (present) claims, (past) claimed, (perfect) claimed, (progressive) claiming
(Insurance: Claims)
If you claim money from an insurance company, you ask for payment of costs relating to a loss or damage for which you have insurance cover.
If you claim for damage or loss to your insured property which occurs after your building hasnot been occupied for 60 consecutive days, an additional compulsory excess is payable.
The notice must specify the amount claimed or the facts that will enable the insurer to determine the amount.
If you claim money from an insurance company, you ask for payment of costs relating to a lossor damage for which you have insurance cover.
Examples of 'claim' in a sentence
She is refusing to meet until provided with details about the false claims.
The Sun (2016)
She contacted the phone firm but claims no one got back to her.
The Sun (2016)
This raises questions about whether the industry will pass on savings from planned action against whiplash claims.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
It is now claimed some officers may have been involved in the abuse.
The Sun (2016)
People who claim otherwise are lying.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
If a manufacturer guarantees its product, consumers may claim on this instead.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
To make a claim, you need to contact the card issuer.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
They have refuted claims that her life is at risk and demanded that the US reject the asylum application.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
False or malicious claims account for just three per cent of allegations.
The Sun (2007)
This was done in cold blood by people who claim to be civilized.
Hamilton, Ian Writers in Hollywood, 1915-51 (1990)
The privilege may be claimed by the person or by his legal representative.
Christianity Today (2000)
The tribunal had refused to accept his claims or the assertions he maintained backed them up.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
Less than one in ten claims failed.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
The claim needs to be modified somewhat.
Wright, Vincent The Government and Politics of France (1989)
The claims company consultant says that the banks will settle anyway.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
But they have no legal right or claim to the land.
The Sun (2009)
Your new love has a claim to fame.
The Sun (2016)
What better reason is there to pay out an insurance claim?
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Another common fraud involves false claims for personal injury.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
She had pledged herself to her people and claimed she would not marry.
Jane Dunn ELIZABETH AND MARY: Cousins, Rivals, Queens (2003)
Take photographs of damage because these may help your claim.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Doctors denied claims that one woman had died of her injuries.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
The carer can claim the national insurance credits regardless of whether the person needing care claims benefits.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
She claimed that unconventional actions by central banks worldwide risked worsening the global economic crisis.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
They challenged both physical and cultural territory and admitted implicit restraints on freedom as well as evident claims to " rights ".
Rowbotham, Sheila The Past is Before Us - feminism in action since the 1960s (1989)
But this claim rests on assertion, not proof.
The Times Literary Supplement (2011)
The two sides have little in common, other than a visceral attachment to the land which both claim as their birthright.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
Another couple had their drive bulldozed by the clerk of the local town hall, who claimed that the land was his.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
And within hours of the tragedy, a mystery person contacted her insurance company to claim on a life policy she had taken out.
The Sun (2012)
In other languages
British English: claim /kleɪm/ NOUN
A claim is something which someone says which they cannot prove and which may be false.
Most people just don't believe his claims.
American English: claim
Arabic: زَعْم
Brazilian Portuguese: reivindicação
Chinese: 诉求
Croatian: tvrdnja
Czech: tvrzení
Danish: påstand
Dutch: claim
European Spanish: afirmación
Finnish: väite
French: déclaration
German: Behauptung
Greek: ισχυρισμός
Italian: dichiarazione
Japanese: 主張
Korean: 주장
Norwegian: krav
Polish: żądanie
European Portuguese: reivindicação
Romanian: pretenție
Russian: предположение
Latin American Spanish: demanda
Swedish: anspråk
Thai: การเรียกร้อง
Turkish: talep
Ukrainian: заява
Vietnamese: lời tuyên bố
British English: claim /kleɪm/ VERB
If you say that someone claims that something is true, you mean they say that it is true but you are not sure whether or not they are telling the truth.
He claimed that it was all a conspiracy against him.
American English: claim
Arabic: يَزْعُمُ
Brazilian Portuguese: reivindicar
Chinese: 声称
Croatian: tvrditi
Czech: tvrdit
Danish: påstå
Dutch: claimen
European Spanish: afirmar
Finnish: väittää
French: revendiquer
German: behaupten
Greek: ισχυρίζομαι
Italian: sostenere
Japanese: 主張する
Korean: 주장하다
Norwegian: kreve
Polish: zażądać
European Portuguese: reivindicar
Romanian: a pretinde
Russian: заявлять
Latin American Spanish: reclamar
Swedish: yrka
Thai: เรียกร้อง
Turkish: talep etmek
Ukrainian: заявляти
Vietnamese: tuyên bố
All related terms of 'claim'
pay claim
the wage or salary asked for workers by trade union representatives from employers
to demand the return of; try to get back
claim form
an application form for claiming financial compensation
truth claim
a hypothesis not yet verified by experience
wage claim
the wage demanded from management for workers by their union representatives
wages claim
the wage demanded from management for workers by their union representatives
baggage claim
At an airport , the baggage claim is the area where you collect your baggage at the end of your trip .
claim asylum
If a government gives a person from another country asylum , they allow them to stay , usually because they are unable to return home safely for political reasons .
claim damages
If a court of law awards damages to someone, it orders money to be paid to them by a person who has damaged their reputation or property, or who has injured them.
reward claim
a claim granted to a miner who discovered gold in a new area
claim expenses
Expenses are amounts of money that you spend while doing something in the course of your work, which will be paid back to you afterwards .
deny a claim
If an insurance company denies a claim , it refuses to pay a claim submitted by a policyholder .
file a claim
If you file a claim , you make a request to an insurance company for payment of a sum of money according to the terms of an insurance policy .
insurance claim
a claim made on an insurance policy
jump a claim
to seize mining rights or land claimed by someone else
lay claim to
to assert one's possession of or right to
pay a claim
If an insurer pays a claim , it pays money to a policyholder because a loss or risk occurs against which they were insured .
claim to fame
Someone's claim to fame is something quite important or interesting that they have done or that is connected with them.
no-claim bonus
a reduction on an insurance premium , esp one covering a motor vehicle, if no claims have been made within a specified period
report a claim
If you report a claim , you inform an insurer that an insured event has occurred and that you intend to ask the insurer for financial payment.
settle a claim
If an insurer settles a claim it pays money to a policyholder for the occurrence of a loss or risk against which they were insured .
claim responsibility
If you accept responsibility for something that has happened , you agree that you were to blame for it or you caused it.
statement of claim
(in England ) the first pleading made by the claimant in a civil court action showing the facts upon which he or she relies in support of the claim and the relief asked for
to stake a claim
If you stake a claim , you say that something is yours or that you have a right to it.
Particulars of Claim
(in England) the first reading made by the claimant in a county court action, showing the facts upon which he or she relies in support of a claim and the relief asked for
to lay claim to something
If you lay claim to something you do not have, you say that it belongs to you.
no-claims bonus
a reduction on an insurance premium , esp one covering a motor vehicle, if no claims have been made within a specified period
Chinese translation of 'claim'
(= allege) 声(聲)称(稱) (shēngchēng)
(for o.s.)
[responsibility, credit]声(聲)称(稱) (shēngchēng)
[success rate]自称(稱) (zìchēng)
⇒ The terrorists claimed responsibility for the bombing.恐怖分子声称对这起爆炸事件负责。 (Kǒngbù fènzǐ shēngchēng duì zhè qǐ bàozhà shìjiàn fùzé.)