...electrons in a conducting material such as a metal.
...the design of new absorbent materials.
...recycling of all materials.
2. variable noun
Material is cloth.
...the thick material of her skirt. [+ of]
The materials are soft and comfortable to wear.
Synonyms: cloth, stuff, fabric, textile More Synonyms of material
3. plural noun
Materials are the things that you need for a particular activity.
The builders ran out of materials.
...sewing materials.
4. uncountable noun
Ideas or information that are used as a basis for a book, play, or film can be referred to as material.
In my version of the story, I added some new material.
...the film producer's debt to the author of original screen material.
Synonyms: information, work, details, facts More Synonyms of material
5. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun]
Material things are related to possessions or money, rather than to more abstract things such as ideas or values.
Every room must have been stuffed with material things.
...the material world.
...his descriptions of their poor material conditions.
Synonyms: physical, worldly, solid, substantial [formal] More Synonyms of material
materiallyadverb [ADVERB with verb, ADVERB adjective/-ed]
He has tried to help this child materially and spiritually.
They believe that a tough, materially poor childhood is character-building.
The object has no real value, materially or emotionally.
Synonyms: significantly, much, greatly, considerably More Synonyms of material
6. uncountable noun
If you say that someone is a particular kind of material, you mean that they have the qualities or abilities to do a particular job or task.
She was not university material.
His message has changed little since he became presidential material.
7. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]
Material evidence or information is directly relevant and important in a legal or academic argument.
The nature and availability of material evidence was not to be discussed.
They contend that the company failed to disclose material information.
Synonyms: relevant, important, significant, essential More Synonyms of material
More Synonyms of material
material in British English
the substance of which a thing is made or composed; component or constituent matter
raw material
facts, notes, etc, that a finished work may be based on or derived from
enough material for a book
cloth or fabric
a person who has qualities suitable for a given occupation, training, etc
that boy is not university material
of, relating to, or composed of physical substance; corporeal
6. philosophy
composed of or relating to physical as opposed to mental or spiritual substance
the material world
of, relating to, or affecting economic or physical wellbeing
material ease
of or concerned with physical rather than spiritual interests
of great import or consequence
of material benefit to the workers
10. (often foll by to)
11. philosophy
of or relating to matter as opposed to form
12. law
relevant to the issue before court: applied esp to facts or testimony of much significance
a material witness
Derived forms
materialness (maˈterialness)
Word origin
C14: via French from Late Latin māteriālis, from Latin māteriamatter
material in American English
of matter; of substance; relating to or consisting of what occupies space; physical
a material object, material forces
of the body or bodily needs, satisfactions, etc.; corporeal, sensual, or sensuous
material pleasures
of or fond of comfort, pleasure, wealth, etc. rather than spiritual or intellectual values; worldly
material success
important, essential, or pertinent (to the matter under discussion)
4. Law
important enough to affect the outcome of a case, the validity of a legal instrument, etc.
a material witness
5. Philosophy
of the content or substance of reasoning, as distinguished from the formal element
what a thing is, or may be, made of; constituent substance; elements, parts, or constituents
raw material
ideas, notes, sketches, etc., that may be worked up or elaborated; data
cloth or other fabric
9. [pl.]
implements, articles, etc. needed to make or do something
writing materials
SYNONYMY NOTE: material is applied to anything that is formed of matter and has substance [material objects, possessions, etc.]; physical applies either to material things as they are perceivable by the senses or to forcesthat are scientifically measurable [the physical world, the physical properties of sound]; corporeal applies only to such material objects as have bodily form and are tangible [corporeal property]; sensible is specifically applied to anything that can be known through the senses rather thanthrough the intellect [a sensible phenomenon]
OPPOSITES: spiritual, mental, psychical
Word origin
LL materialis < L materia, matter
material in Accounting
(Accounting: Basic)
A material amount of something is an amount that would make a difference, especially in an accounting calculation.
An audit seeks to provide only reasonable assurance that the statements are freefrom material error.
The risk of material misstatement of the financial statements is generally greater when account balancesand classes of transactions include accounting estimates rather than factual data.
A material amount of something is an amount that would make a difference, especially in an accountingcalculation.
Examples of 'material' in a sentence
We have some very well-placed sources who are gathering excellent material to aid us with our negotiations.
He fingered the flowers, some of which were plastic and others made out of material.
Moira was the best possible source for early material on Jett.
Val McDermid DEAD BEAT (2002)
He then overturned it, spilling the packing material onto the floor.
Elizabeth Peters LION IN THE VALLEY (2002)
In other languages
British English: material /məˈtɪərɪəl/ NOUN
what something is made of A material is what something is made of, like rock, glass, or plastic.