释义 |
maternity leave in British Englishnouna period of paid absence from work, in Britain currently six months, to which a woman is legally entitled during the months immediately before and after childbirth Examples of 'maternity leave' in a sentencematernity leave I didn't even bother with them, Jenny, because one of them's too new to be our man, and the other one has been on maternity leave all month.Apart from the maternity leave, she's never missed a day for mumps and measles and the rest. In other languagesmaternity leave British English: maternity leave / məˈtɜːnɪtɪ liːv/ NOUN Maternity leave is a period of paid absence from work, to which a woman is legally entitled during the months immediately before and after childbirth. - American English: maternity leave
- Arabic: إِجَازَةُ وَضْع
- Brazilian Portuguese: licença-maternidade
- Chinese: 产假
- Croatian: porodiljni dopust
- Czech: mateřská dovolená
- Danish: barselsorlov
- Dutch: zwangerschapsverlof
- European Spanish: baja de maternidad
- Finnish: äitiysloma
- French: congé maternité
- German: Mutterschaftsurlaub
- Greek: άδεια μητρότητας
- Italian: congedo di maternità
- Japanese: 出産休暇
- Korean: 출산휴가
- Norwegian: svangerskapspermisjon
- Polish: urlop macierzyński
- European Portuguese: licença de parto
- Romanian: concediu de maternitate
- Russian: декретный отпуск
- Latin American Spanish: licencia de maternidad
- Swedish: mammaledighet
- Thai: การลาหยุดหลังคลอด
- Turkish: doğum izni
- Ukrainian: декрет
- Vietnamese: nghỉ đẻ
Chinese translation of 'maternity leave' n (u) -
产(產)假 (chǎnjià) to be on maternity leave 休产(產)假 (xiū chǎnjià)