The flowerpot Jude threw in broke into a hundred pieces and sprayed the dirt round in a splash.
All related terms of 'round in'
in the round
in full detail
go round in circles
to not achieve very much because you keep coming back to the same point or problem over and over again. In American English, you say that someone is going around in circles .
run round in circles
to have very little success in achieving something in spite of trying hard, because you are disorganized . In American English, you say that someone is running around in circles .
→ arena theater
a theatre with seats arranged around a central acting area
a theatre with seats arranged around a central acting area
round peg in a square hole
a person in a position, situation , etc. for which he or she is unsuited or unqualified
square peg in a round hole
If you describe someone as a square peg in a round hole , you mean that they are in a situation or doing something that does not suit them at all.
a square peg in a round hole
If you describe someone as a square peg in a round hole , you mean that they are completely unsuitable for the job they are doing or the situation they are in.
arena theatre
a theatre with seats arranged around a central acting area
go round in circles/go around in circles
If you say that someone is going round in circles or around in circles , you mean that they are not achieving anything because they keep coming back to the same point or problem .