A mature student is a person who begins their studies at university or college a number of years after leaving school, so that they are older than most of the people they are studying with.
[British]regional note: in AM, use adult student
mature student in British English
a student at a college or university who has passed the usual age for formal education
Examples of 'mature student' in a sentence
mature student
By "continuing education "we refer to opportunities for adult education whether at night school or at special further education colleges for mature students.
Siann, Gerda & Ugwuegbu, Denis C. E. Educational Psychology in a Changing World (1988)
Then I can go to college as a mature student.
The Sun (2008)
This may trigger a scramble for places next summer, as school leavers and mature students rush to enrol before fees double in many universities the following year.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
In other languages
mature student
British English: mature student /məˈtjʊə ˈstjuːdnt/ NOUN
A mature student is a person who begins their studies at university or college a number of years after leaving school, so that they are older than most of the people they are studying with.
American English: adult learner
Arabic: طَالِبٌ رَاشِدٌ
Brazilian Portuguese: estudante mais velho que os outros
Chinese: 成人学生
Croatian: zreo student
Czech: starší student
Danish: ældre studerende
Dutch: oudere student
European Spanish: estudiante mayor
Finnish: vanhempi opiskelija
French: étudiant adulte
German: Spätstudierender
Greek: ενήλικος σπουδαστής
Italian: studente maturo
Japanese: 成人学生
Korean: 성인 학생
Norwegian: eldre student
Polish: dojrzały student
European Portuguese: estudante mais velho que os outros