any member of one or two pairs of mouthparts in insects and other arthropods used as accessory jaws
Derived forms
maxillar (mækˈsɪlə) or maxillary (maxˈillary)
Word origin
C17: New Latin, from Latin: jaw
Examples of 'maxillae' in a sentence
The subsequent necropsy revealed severe osteopathology particularly in mandibles and maxillae.
Werner T. Flueck 2018, 'Elusive cranial lesions severely afflicting young endangered Patagonian huemul deer',BMC Research Notes Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Three weeks after ligation, maxillae were processed for morphometry, micro-computed tomography and histomorphometry.
Dhaarmini Rajshankar, Corneliu Sima, Qin Wang, Stephanie R Goldberg, Mwayi Kazembe,Yongqiang Wang, Michael Glogauer, Gregory P Downey, Christopher A McCulloch 2013, 'Role of PTPα in the destruction of periodontal connective tissues.', PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
Newly moulted maxillae are soft and white until they become sclerotized.
Hannelore Paxton 2006, 'Replacement of adult maxillary jaws in Eunicida (Polychaeta)', Scientia Marina Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Subsequently, maxillae were removed, post-fixed and processed for histomorphometryor immunohistochemical analyses.
E.P. Carvalho-Filho, A.C. Stabile, E. Ervolino, M.B.S. Stuani, M.M. Iyomasa, M.J.A.Rocha 2012, 'Celecoxib treatment does not alter recruitment and activation of osteoclasts in theinitial phase of experimental tooth movement', European Journal of Histochemistry Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Panoramic radiographs and computerized tomographs of the maxillae had been made prior to surgery.
F. Atamni, M.Atamni, M.Atamna 2011, 'Palatal Positioning of Implants in Severely Resorbed Posterior Maxillae', Romanian Journal of Oral Rehabilitation Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Maxillae were fixed and decalcified for histological observation and osteoclast detection.
Bing Mei, Zhuo Dong, Jiamei Gu, Jiansheng Su 2013, 'Ibuprofen Rescues Abnormalities in Periodontal Tissues in Conditional Presenilin 1and Presenilin 2 Double Knockout Mice', International Journal of Molecular Sciences Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The possibility of osteonecrosis of the maxillae in patients exposed to nitrogenated bisphosphonateswas first described in 2003.
Paulo Sérgio da Silva Santos, Márcio Augusto Oliveira, Valtuir Barbosa Felix 2011, 'Osteonecrose maxilofacial induzida por bisfosfonatos em indivíduos com osteoporoseBisphosphonate-induced maxillofacial osteonecrosis in osteoporotic individuals', Revista Brasileira de Ortopedia Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Successful dental implant treatment requires knowledge of the precise location in connection with critical structures in maxillae and mandible.
Hanna H. Bachtiar Iskandar, Menik Priaminarti, Suhandi Sijaya 2015, 'RADIOGRAFI UNTUK PERAWATAN IMPLAN GIGI', Journal of Dentistry Indonesia Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
After evaluating postsurgical wound closure by digital imaging, the maxillae including wounds were resected for histological examinations.
Daisuke Kido, Koji Mizutani, Kohei Takeda, Risako Mikami, Takanori Matsuura, KengoIwasaki, Yuichi Izumi 2017, 'Impact of diabetes on gingival wound healing via oxidative stress.', PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (