As I vigorously rubbed shampoo into my unruly auburn hair, a blast of cold air hit my spine.
Val McDermid DEAD BEAT (2002)
Chavasse stood on a rush mat beside the large bed and rubbed himself down with a towel until his flesh glowed.
Jack Higgins THE KEYS OF HELL (2002)
All related terms of 'rubbed'
If you rub a part of your body, you move your hand or fingers backwards and forwards over it while pressing firmly.
rub in
If you rub a substance in , you press it into something by continuously moving it over its surface.
rub off
If someone's qualities or habits rub off on you, you develop some of their qualities or habits after spending time with them.
rub out
If you rub out something that you have written on paper or a board , you remove it using a rubber or eraser .
rub up
to refresh one's memory (of)
rub down
If you rub down a rough surface, you make it smooth by rubbing it with something such as sandpaper.
rub along
If two people rub along or if one person rubs along with another, they are able to live or work together in a fairly friendly way, usually when you would not expect them to.