the horny covering of the end of the foot in the horse, deer, and all other ungulate mammals
(in combination)
a hoofbeat
▶ Related adjective: ungular
the foot of an ungulate mammal
a hoofed animal
4. facetious
a person's foot
5. on the hoof
6. (transitive)
to kick or trample with the hoofs
7. hoof it
cloot in American English
(kluːt, Scot klʏt)
noun Scot & Northern English
a cloven hoof; one of the divisions of the cloven hoof of the swine, sheep, etc
2. (usually cap; often Cloots)
Satan; the devil
Word origin
[1715–25; perh. akin to D klauwtje, equiv. to klauwclaw + -tje dim. suffix]This word is first recorded in the period 1715–25. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: blackleg, dugout, portfolio, screening, trio