And he described, with a savageness that frightened her, the rigid Communist cadres that ruled behind the Republican lines.
Thomas, Rosie THE WHITE DOVE (2002)
It also had to feel like part of the twentieth century, which ruled most of them out.
Val McDermid KICK BACK (2002)
All related terms of 'ruled'
Rules are instructions that tell you what you are allowed to do and what you are not allowed to do.
ruled surface
a surface that is the locus of all points on a moving straight line , as a plane , cone , etc.
rule in
If you say that you are not ruling in a particular course of action, you mean that you have not definitely decided to take that action.
faint-ruled paper
writing paper with light horizontal lines printed across at regular intervals
feint-ruled paper
writing paper with light horizontal lines printed across at regular intervals
rule out
If you rule out a course of action, an idea , or a solution , you decide that it is impossible or unsuitable .
rule out of
If someone rules you out of a contest or activity , they say that you cannot be involved in it. If something rules you out of a contest or activity, it prevents you from being involved in it.
a form of industrial action in which employees adhere strictly to all the working rules laid down by their employers , with the deliberate intention of reducing the rate of working
If workers work to rule , they protest by working according to the rules of their job without doing any extra work or taking any new decisions .