

单词 meiofauna

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Meiofauna represent one of the most abundant and diverse communities in marine benthic ecosystems.However, studies of variation in meiofauna are presented with several important challenges.Seasonality (average temperature and rain intervals) had a significant impact on both meiofauna and macrofauna.Additionally, meiofauna and macrofauna taxonomic composition was not significantly different between the sites.The results indicated the relationships within phytoplankton input, underlying phytodetritic layer and meiofauna.Sedimentological variables had strong and significant effects on the meiofauna taxa.Environmental parameters and meiofauna were sampled using three-to-four week intervals.Overlying phytoplankton biomass, hydrodynamics and relationships with meiofauna densities were also evaluated.The meiofauna (metazoans between 500 and 45 µm) were identified to major taxa.These cylinders were inserted into microcosms containing sediment with indigenous meiofauna collected from the field.




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