a method of insurance by which property is insured for a certain percentage of its value by a commercial insurance policy while the owner assumes liability for the remainder
joint insurance held by two or more persons
coinsurance in American English
a form of property insurance in which the insured shares in losses proportionately to the extent that the amount of insurance falls short of a specified percentage of the value of the insured property
joint insurance by two or more insurers
coinsurance in Insurance
(Insurance: Reinsurance)
Coinsurance is a method of insurance by which property is insured for a percentage of its valueby a commercial insurance policy while the owner has liability for the remainder.
A coinsurance is a percentage of the allowed amount that the patient must pay.
Coinsurance is a means whereby insurance companies enforce property limits to total value.
Coinsurance is a method of insurance by which property is insured for a percentage of its valueby a commercial insurance policy while the owner has liability for the remainder.
Word builderco-The prefix co- often appears in words connected with doing something with another person or organization.