单词 | run down |
释义 | run down1. phrasal verb If you run people or things down, you criticize them strongly. He last night denounced the British 'genius for running ourselves down'. [VERB noun PARTICLE] ...that chap who was running down state schools. [VERB PARTICLE noun] 2. phrasal verb If people run down an industry or an organization, they deliberately reduce its size or the amount of work that it does. [mainly British] The government is cynically running down the welfare system. [VERB PARTICLE noun] The property business could be sold or run down. [VERB PARTICLE noun (not pronoun)] 3. phrasal verb If someone runs down an amount of something, they reduce it or allow it to decrease. [mainly British] But the survey also revealed firms were running down stocks instead of making newproducts. [VERB PARTICLE noun] Its $25m reserve fund had been run down to around $8m. [VERB PARTICLE noun (not pronoun)] 4. phrasal verb If a vehicle or its driver runs someone down, the vehicle hits them and injures them. He claimed that the motorcycle driver was trying to run him down. [VERB noun PARTICLE] 5. phrasal verb If a machine or device runs down, it gradually loses power or works more slowly. The batteries are running down. [VERB PARTICLE] 6. See also run-down More Synonyms of run down See full dictionary entry for runrun-down also rundown pronunciation note: The adjective is pronounced (rʌn daʊn). The noun is pronounced (rʌn daʊn). 1. adjective [usually verb-link ADJECTIVE] If someone is run-down, they are tired or slightly ill. [informal] ...times when you are feeling tired and run-down. 2. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] A run-down building or area is in very poor condition. ...one of the most run-down areas in Scotland. ...a run-down block of flats. 3. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] A run-down place of business is not as active as it used to be or does not have many customers. ...a run-down slate quarry. He bought a run-down television station. 4. singular noun When the run-down of an industry or organization takes place, its size or the amount of work that it doesis reduced. [mainly British] ...the impetus behind the rundown of the coal industry. [+ of] 5. singular noun If you give someone a run-down of a group of things or a run-down on something, you give them details about it. [informal] Here's a rundown of the options. [+ of/on] This full-colour supplement includes full race details, plus a comprehensive run-downon all the British hopefuls. run down in British Englishverb (mainly adverb) 1. to cause or allow (an engine, battery, etc) to lose power gradually and cease to function or (of an engine, battery, etc) to do this 2. to decline or reduce in number or size the firm ran down its sales force 3. (tr, usually passive) to tire, sap the strength of, or exhaust he was thoroughly run down and needed a holiday 4. (transitive) to criticize adversely; denigrate; decry 5. (transitive) to hit and knock to the ground with a moving vehicle 6. nautical a. (transitive) to collide with and cause to sink b. (intr, preposition) to navigate so as to move parallel to (a coast) 7. (transitive) to pursue and find or capture to run down a fugitive 8. (transitive) to read swiftly or perfunctorily she ran down their list of complaints adjective run-down 9. tired; exhausted 10. worn-out, shabby, or dilapidated noun rundown 11. a brief review, résumé, or summary 12. the process of a motor or mechanism coming gradually to a standstill after the source of power is removed 13. a reduction in number or size run-down in British English or run down (ˌrʌnˈdaʊn) adjective 1. informal tired or slightly ill times when you are feeling tired and run-down 2. in very poor condition; neglected one of the most run-down areas of the city a run-down block of flats 3. (of a business) less successful than it was previously He bought a run-down television station. a run-down slate quarry run down in American English1. to cease to run, or stop operating, as a mechanical device, through lack of power 2. to run, ride, or drive against so as to knock down 3. to pursue and capture or kill 4. to search out the source of 5. to speak of slightingly or injuriously; disparage 6. to lessen or lower in worth, quality, etc.; make or become run-down 7. to read through rapidly 8. US, Baseball to catch and tag (a base runner trapped between two bases) run-down in American English (ˈrʌnˈdaʊn) adjective 1. not wound and therefore not running, as a spring-operated clock 2. in poor physical condition, as from overwork; debilitated 3. fallen into disrepair; dilapidated Examples of 'run down' in a sentence |
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