the sensation resulting from stimulation of the retina of the eye by light waves of certain lengths
the property of reflecting light of a particular wavelength: the distinct colors of the spectrum are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, each of these shading into the next; the primary colors of the spectrum are red, green, and blue, the light beams of which variously combined can produce any of the colors
any coloring matter; dye; pigment; paint: the primary colors of paints, pigments, etc. are red, yellow, and blue, which, when mixed in various ways, produce the secondary colors (green, orange, purple, etc.): black, white, and gray are often called colors (achromatic colors), although black is caused by the complete absorption of light rays, white by the reflection of all the rays that produce color, and gray by an imperfect absorption of all these rays
any color other than black, white, or gray; chromatic color: color is distinguished by the qualities of hue (as red, brown, yellow, etc.), lightness (for pigmented surfaces) or brightness (for light itself), and saturation (the degree of intensity of a hue)
color of the face; esp., a healthy rosiness or a blush
the color of a person's skin
skin pigmentation of a particular people or racial group, esp. when other than white
8. [pl.]
a colored badge, ribbon, costume, etc. that identifies the wearer
9. [pl.]
a flag or banner of a country, regiment, etc.
the armed forces of a country, symbolized by the flag
to serve with the colors
10. [pl.]
the side that a person is on; position or opinion
stick to your colors
outward appearance or semblance; plausibility
appearance of truth, likelihood, validity, or right; justification
the circumstances gave color to his contention
general nature; character
the color of his mind
vivid quality or character, as in a personality, literary work, etc.
see also local color
15. Art
the way of using color, esp. to gain a total effect
16. Law
an apparent or prima-facie right
17. US, Mining
a trace of gold found in panning
18. Music
timbre, as of a voice or instrument; tone color
elaborate ornamentation
19. Particle Physics
a unique force or charge on each type of quark that controls how quarks combine to form hadrons: although called red, green, and blue, they are not related to visual colors
20. Photography and Television
reproduction of images in chromatic colors rather than in black, white, and gray
21. Television and Radio
colorful details, background data, etc. supplied by a sports commentator between play-by-play descriptions of the action
22. Television and Radio
designating or of a sports commentator who supplies color (sense 21)
verb transitive
to give color to; impregnate or cover with color, as with paint, stain, or dye
to change the color of
to give a pleasing, convincing, or reasonable appearance to; make plausible
to alter or influence to some degree, as by distortion or exaggeration
prejudice colored his views
verb intransitive
to become colored
to change color, as ripening fruit
to blush or flush
to engage in the child's pastime of drawing or coloring pictures with wax crayons, etc.
call to the colors
change color
lose color
of color
show one's (true) colors
under color of
SYNONYMY NOTE: color is the general term, for which see the definition above; , shade refers to any of the gradations of a color with reference to its degree of darkness[a light shade of green]; hue1, often equivalent to , color, is used specifically to indicate a modification of a basic color [orange or a reddish hue]; tint refers to a gradation of a color with reference to its degree of whiteness and suggestsa paleness or delicacy of color [pastel tints]; tinge suggests the presence of a small amount of color, usually diffused throughout [white with a tinge of blue]
Derived forms
colorer (ˈcolorer)
Word origin
ME & OFr colour < L color < OL colos, orig., a covering < IE base *kel-, to conceal, hide > hull2, hall
Examples of 'color' in a sentence
He wasn't red, despite his exertion: he was the color of somebody about to puke or pass out.
Clive Barker EVERVILLE (2001)
Despite the sickly light off the bulb, its luminescence still showed that the color of the image had not been diminished by time.
Clive Barker COLDHEART CANYON (2001)
He started his descent, passing through pools of color from the lights outside the house, their vividness flooding his pallid features.
None of his clothes had a designer label and he tended toward the conservative in cut and color.
Mark Burnell THE RHYTHM SECTION (2001)
All related terms of 'color'
The colour of something is the appearance that it has as a result of the way in which it reflects light. Red, blue, and green are colours.
an r -like acoustic quality given to a vowel , produced by retroflex articulation
color bar
→ color line
color in
If you color in a drawing , you give it different colors using crayons or paints .
in color
If a movie or television program is in color , it has been made so that you see the picture in all its colors, and not just in black, white, or gray .
of color
who is nonwhite; now esp., who is black
varying from the usual , standard, or required color
oil color
a color or paint made by grinding a pigment in a drying oil , esp. linseed oil
Someone who is color-blind cannot see the difference between colors , especially between red and green.
color chart
a chart with samples of paint colours
to use specific colors , according to a code , for wires, switches , cards, files , etc.
Things that are color-coded use colors to represent different features or functions.
designating or of a style of abstract painting in which colors are applied to a canvas , often in large patches , with little variation in tone and little emphasis on form
color guard
the persons carrying and escorting the colors ( flag ) in a parade , ceremony , etc.
color line
the barrier of social , political , and economic restrictions imposed on blacks or other nonwhites
color phase
a variant , atypical coloration of fur , feathers , skin, etc. occurring in an individual or an animal group
flesh color
the color of a white person's skin; yellowish pink ; pinkish cream
designating or of a printing process using separate plates in yellow, red, blue, and black, so as to produce any color or colors
local color
behavior, speech , etc. characteristic of a certain region or time, depicted in a novel , play, etc. to add authenticity
lose color
to become pale
skin color
the colour of a person's skin , ie Black, White, etc
straw color
a pale-yellow color
designating or of a full-color printing process using three separate plates, each reproducing one primary color
tone color
→ timbre
acrylic color
a color or paint made by mixing pigments in a solution of acrylic resin
change color
to become pale
the person assigned to carry the colors , or flag , as in a parade or ceremony
color filter
colored glass , dyed gelatin, etc., used to produce certain color or light effects, as in photography
color scheme
In a room or house, the color scheme is the way in which colors have been used to decorate it.
king's color
a white ceremonial ensign with a royal cipher , flown on special occasions by the British Royal Navy
poster color
an opaque paint with a binder , such as gum or glue , that is water-soluble , used as for posters
primary color
Primary colors are basic colors that can be mixed together to produce other colors. They are usually considered to be red, yellow , blue , and sometimes green .
color blindness
of or relating to any defect in the normal ability to distinguish certain colours
secondary color
a color , as orange, green, or violet , produced by mixing two primary colors
color photograph
a photograph that is developed and printed in colour
color television
television that broadcasts in real-life colours, as opposed to black and white
under color of
under the pretext or guise of
complementary color
one of a pair of primary or secondary colors opposed to the other member of the pair on a schematic chart or scale ( color wheel ), as green opposed to red, orange opposed to blue , or violet opposed to yellow
colour bar
discrimination against people of a different race, esp as practised by White people against Black people
colour code
a system of easily distinguishable colours , as for the identification of electrical wires or resistors
colour line
the social separation of racial groups within a community (esp in the phrase to cross the colour line )
Someone who is colour-blind cannot see the difference between colours, especially between red and green .
colour chart
a chart with samples of paint colours
colour guard
a military guard in a parade , ceremony , etc, that carries and escorts the flag or regimental colours
colour index
the difference between the apparent magnitude of a star measured in one standard waveband and in a longer standard waveband, indicating its colour and temperature
colour phase
a seasonal change in the coloration of some animals
Congo dye
any of certain azo dyes , derived mainly from benzidine
draw the color line
to impose or accept the color line
colour filter
a thin layer of coloured gelatine , glass , etc, that transmits light of certain colours or wavelengths but considerably reduces the transmission of others
colour scheme
In a room or house, the colour scheme is the way in which colours have been used to decorate it.
Chinese translation of 'color'
etc (ˈkʌləʳ) (US)
=colour etc
or (US) color
(c)颜(顏)色 (yánsè) (种(種), zhǒng)
(c) (= skin colour) 肤(膚)色 (fūsè) (种(種), zhǒng)
⇒ South Africans of all colours各种肤色的南非人 (gèzhǒng fūsè de nánfēirén)