a state of SE Mexico, occupying the N part of the Yucatán peninsula. Capital: Mérida. Pop: 1 655 707 (2000). Area: 39 340 sq km (15 186 sq miles)
a peninsula of Central America between the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean, including the Mexican states of Campeche, Yucatán, and Quintana Roo, and part of Belize: a centre of Mayan civilization from about 100 bc to the 18th century. Area: about 181 300 sq km (70 000 sq miles)
Yucatán in American English
(ˌjukɑˈtɑn; E ˌ jukəˈtæn) or ˌYucaˈtan (ˌjukɑˈtɑn; E ˌ jukəˈtæn)
peninsula comprising SE Mexico, Belize, & part of W Guatemala: it separates the Gulf of Mexico from the Caribbean: c. 70,000 sq mi (181,299 sq km)
: also Yucatán (or Yucatan) Peninsula
state of Mexico, on this peninsula: 15,189 sq mi (39,339 sq km); pop. 1,363,000;cap. Mérida