Bertrand (Arthur William), 3rd Earl. 1872–1970, British philosopher and mathematician. His books include Principles of Mathematics (1903), Principia Mathematica (1910–13) with A. N. Whitehead, Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy (1919), The Problems of Philosophy (1912), The Analysis of Mind (1921), and An Enquiry into Meaning and Truth (1940): Nobel prize for literature 1950
George William pen name æ. 1867–1935, Irish poet and journalist
Henry Norris. 1877–1957, US astronomer and astrophysicist, who originated one form of the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram
John, 1st Earl. 1792–1878, British statesman; prime minister (1846–52; 1865–66). He ledthe campaign to carry the 1832 Reform Act
Ken. 1927–2011, British film director. His films include Women in Love (1969), The Music Lovers (1970), The Boy Friend (1971), Valentino (1977), Gothic (1986), and The Rainbow (1989)
Russell in American English1
a masculine name: dim. Russ; var. Russel
Word origin
< surname Russell, orig. dim. of Fr roux, reddish < OFr rous: see russet
George William(pseud. Æ or A.E.) 1867-1935; Ir. poet & essayist
Lord John1st Earl Russell of Kingston Russell 1792-1878; Eng. statesman: prime minister (1846-52; 1865-66): grandfather of Bertrand
Lillian(born Helen Louise Leonard) 1861-1922; U.S. singer & actress
All related terms of 'Russell'
Jack Russell
a small short-legged terrier having a white coat with tan , black, or lemon markings : there are rough- and smooth-haired varieties
Russell's paradox
the paradox discovered by Bertrand Russell in the work of Gottlob Frege , that the class of all classes that are not members of themselves is a member of itself only if it is not, and is not only if it is. This undermines the notion of an all-inclusive universal class
Russell's viper
a very poisonous viper ( Vipera russeli ) of SE and SC Asia, with a pale-brown body and ringlike black spots edged with white or yellow
Jack Russell terrier
any of a breed of terrier with short hair and a mottled brown and white coat
Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
a graph in which the spectral types of stars are plotted against their absolute magnitudes . Stars fall into different groupings in different parts of the graph